All photographs are there to remind us of what we forget.
In this - as in other ways - they are the opposite of paintings as paintings record what the painter remembers.
Because each one of us forgets different things, a photo more than a painting may change its meaning
according to who is looking at it.
- John Berger
I ask people why they have deer heads on their walls.
They always say because it's such a beautiful animal. There you go.
I think my mother is attractive, but I have photographs of her.
- Ellen DeGeneres
Winding Road - Have you ever walked late night through a forest when you are first in love? |
The Rest of Your Life - The true traveller is he who goes on foot, and even then, he sits down a lot of the time... |
The Hidden and Unfamiliar - Some emerging artists' work tends to emphasise style over substance. Taryn Simon, however, is not one of
them... |
For Better of Worse - Are photographic filters overused? Is the beauty of mere nature no longer sufficient? |
The Sun can be like icing on a cake - the one ingredient that sends the otherwise beautiful into the realm of the stratospherically lovely... |
Ned Kahn extends his vision to water... |
It's All There in Black and White - these photos were so lovely, I compressed them only slightly so if you have a slow
connection, perhaps you'll want to begin with the Alaska page following... |
I Don't Know, Alaska - This Russian Orthodox Church in Ninilchik, Alaska is one of the most photographed buildings on the Kenai
Peninsula |
Callahan - for Harry Callahan photography has been a way of living - his way of meeting and making peace with the day... |
Fire in Montana - Fires can be devastating - but as this photograph shows, they can also be breathtakingly beautiful. (Occasional forest
fires are necessary. But systems are dynamic - sometimes competing needs clash in the short-term...) |
High as a Kite - attaching remote-controlled digital cameras to kites allows for aerial photographs
of things it was not cost effective to photograph aloft before... |
Celestial Marbles - This is one of my favourite photographs. I took it on my last vacation. (I'm kidding.) I
think it's awesome... |
Houdini - This cat appears to have rescued himself... |
To Toil Et Art - the most photographed "public loo" in New Zealand, and possibly in the world... |
Christening Te Papa - This was taken from the bow of our boat, Lady Fair from our berth in Chaffers Marina. |
Emerald City - How many gorgeous pictures of Wellington sunsets will you want to see? No, the sky wasn't really
green. It's virtual reality. |
Evening in Wellington - This is actually two photos stuck together with the overlap just slightly blurred. What? Oh, you could
tell? |
Home Sweet Home - The top photo shows three nice advantages to living aboard: the sea life, the view, and those perfectly
crystalline days when the water is like a mirror. The bottom photo is a view from Te Papa's special "Lady Fair viewing window". |

Re-view - Ho-hum. Another perfect sunset over Wellington. |
Re-vision - And this isn't even the end of it! This is spring... |
This is summer... |
And this is winter... |

Squarely in Wellington - Photos couldn't do that cloud justice. The Civil Square skyline complemented it well. Also contains
several photos of other lenticular cloud formations... |
New Jersey
The Speedwell Ironworks Mill - Believe it or not, New Jersey has pretty scenery. (And you probably thought it was all petrochemical
refinery tanks!) |
The (Mostly) Straight and Narrow - Large areas of Morris County are marshy. Developers, resourceful as ever, build up pads (sort of like
this path) for construction platforms. Mosquitoes and little flying, biting bugs can be a bit of a problem in the summers, but hey - no place is perfect... |
What's in a Name? - Hiscock, Backoff, Sweet-Beers, Vroom: names that speak for themselves... |
Veterans at Rest - As Charles De Gaulle said, the cemeteries of the world are full of indispensable men... |
The following photos (and several more) can be found by starting from the
Wonderful Wellington page.
Why not go there and check them out?
From Mt Vic - this view is about 180o opposite the
"Moon Harbour" view below (so you can see what Wellington looks like from different directions) |
Guy Fawkes Day - when the weather co-operates, the fireworks can be seen for miles around |
Lady Fair at Night - taken from Frank Kitt's Park, about 180o opposite the "At Water Level" shot above |
Moon Harbour - Wellington by moonlight on a still night is almost painfully pretty |

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