Not Always What They Seem
Call Them by Any Name You Want - They Won't Answer AnywayI always thought I'd like my own tombstone to be blank. No epitaph, and no name. - Andy Warhol
Hiscock (rest buried elsewhere?), Sweet-Beers, Backoff, Vroom, Low, Young, Smart, Bullwinkel There are a couple of features I would like to point out about the Bullwinkel stone above. The first is to question who Isabella Renner might be. She isn't Richard's legal daughter as she wasn't born until 18 years after his last wife died. If she was his lover, she was 52 years younger than he. His child by a woman other than his wife? Then why not take Bullwinkel as her last name? His nurse? Isabella died several years after Richard did. Did HE give her permission to be buried there? Had she no other option? The other thing is - when, exactly, did Richard die? Whatever date had been there (see photo below), was chiselled out and a new one inserted. Had the previous date been earlier? (Did Richard fake his death so he could collect life insurance to please Isabella? Did he rise up from his coffin at the funeral and live several more years?) Had the previous date been later? (I can't imagine a scenario that would explain that. Someone finally realised he had been dead for years?) Maybe it's something mundane like the stonecutter had had a few too many drinks - or needed glasses... In all there are 11 pages of photographs of some of the unusual features to be found in Morristown's Evergreen Cemetery. See the New Jersey section for 7 pages and the Photographs section for the other 4. For photos of the earth and moon, stained glass, sunsets on the Wellington Harbour, Lady Fair, Civic Square, the old mill, the Whippany River, historical houses, Lake Parsippany and more clicking
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