Apres Moi, le Deluge
Just Before the Wake Up Call...I don't consider myself a pessimist. - Leonard Cohen Did He Dream This Was about to Happen?His right hand gives the signal... Wet Dream? Another Wet Dream?Possibly the most famous example ever of airborne water... Dali Atomicus, gelatin silver print by Philippe Halsman, 1948 collaboration with Salvador Dalí (pictured). Image © Estate of Philippe Halsman Meanwhile, They're Cooling off in the Shade...A Thirst for Knowledge? Source: thesun.co.uk sent to them by Rajesh Enterprise Another Way to Cool off in the Shade...Source: thesun.co.uk "Bum Seat" submitted to them by Henry Polvi. And the rocks are meant by some yoyo to symbolise - what? Uh-Oh. Maybe It's a Trend?Source: images.topix.com from somewhere in Bloomfield, Missouri (at least theirs are more colourful!) His Next-to-Last Photo© Matthias Jauernig Source: npocto-kpacota.livejournal.com His Last Photo...Her Last PhotoSources for above two: joe-ks.com1 and joe-ks.com2 Their Best PhotoSource: Source: human pyramid linked to off www-unix.mcs.anl.gov The Manager Has a Photographic MemorySource: I wish I knew. It reminds me of Andreas Gursky's "99 Cent II Diptychon", the most expensive photo ever sold ($3,346,456 in February 2007 at a Sotheby’s auction). Well, his photo WAS more than 11 feet long - but I like this one even better. Wonder what it's worth and how big the original is... If anyone reading this knows the source of this photo, please email me. For photos of the earth and moon, stained glass, sunsets on the Wellington Harbour, Lady Fair, Civic Square, the old mill, the Whippany River, historical houses, Lake Parsippany and more clicking
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