Friends and Lovers
Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake whole relationships.
- Sharon Stone
There are three faithful friends: an old wife, an old dog, and ready money.
- Ben Franklin
Almost all of our relationships begin and most of them continue as forms of mutual exploitation,
a mental or physical barter, to be terminated when one or both parties run out of goods.
- W H Auden

Off to a bad start?
Public Service Notice: Have you or your partner ever engaged in text messaging with a third person that has or could
negatively affect your relationship with your partner? Then I would like to hear from you. I am conducting research for a potential documentary on the subject
of text dialogue that could be considered a 'text affair' or similar. The project is in the development stage and any correspondence or personal information you give me
will not be used without your expresses permission.
Please email me - (
Have We Solved the Mystery of Mutual Attraction? - Wealthy, educated, high-achieving people of both
sexes want partners who are also rich and successful. The tall prefer the tall, the very short the short. People look for the safety of compatibility rather
than the dangerous excitement of being at odds. In fact, the ideal partner for most would be their similar-aged sibling... |
Affair Motivators - men generally have one motivator
for having an affair (can you guess what that is?), but women have as many as 5... |
Relationships Have Changed - Many factors contributed to a fall in the marriage rate including the
growing number of de facto relationships, a trend towards delayed marriage and more people opting to remain single... |
Wanted: More than Just a Few Good Men - "If we've thrust a very mixed message on our
daughters about how best to balance a family life and career, it seems as if we've done almost worse by our sons..." |
Do-it-yourself Psychotherapy - Questions to explore if you're interested in getting to know yourself
better or understanding what influences have shaped you. |
Fork It Over - "...And the last thing they claim to have done is physically impossible anyway." |
MIT Tutorial in the Social Graces - You could not make it up. Students at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston are being encouraged to attend charm school, an annual tutorial in social
graces. Highlights include how to eat apple pie (with a spoon, not a fork); the etiquette of dual-sex lavatories (the seat must
always be left down); and ballroom dancing... |
Happily Ever After - "Does it mean that they lived rich, meaningful lives or that they based their
lives on shallow pursuits whose pleasures are sustainable yet ultimately hollow?"... |
A Photo Gallery of Plastic Surgery - "an interactive 'try out' feature - for a
fee - takes your picture and retouches it to show you a 'before' and 'after' of plastic surgery on your own face and body." |
Pre-Marital Quiz for Compatibility - Take the following quiz separately, then discuss your
answers together. On a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), rate your mate in the following areas... |
The Roots of Culture - much of what we revere in cultured society such as art, music, even
comedy, is about sex... |
Self Deception - Is exaggerating your talents and prospects bad if avoiding negative thoughts helps
you lead a more active and satisfying life? |
Trading Places - If men were more like women and women were more like men... |
What Do Women Really Want? - Young King Arthur was ambushed and imprisoned by the monarch of a
neighbouring kingdom. The monarch could have killed him, but was moved by Arthur's youthful happiness. So he offered him
freedom, as long as he could answer a very difficult question... |
Women Can Spot a Cad - Human beings have an innate and reliable ability to recognise people with
irresponsible and risk-taking personalities, just by glancing at their faces. |
Some words don't seem to catch on. "Limerence" is one such
word. But the idea behind it is sound - "being in love" is caused by chemicals released in the brain. It has a life cycle
in the brain just like any other drug people use... |
What Does Love Mean? - A group of professionals posed the question, "What does love mean?" to a
group of 4 - 8 year-olds. The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone had imagined.
Also, an interview with the "Doctor of Love" and more... |
Reunions Set off Sex Urges - When meeting their lost relative for the first time the
respondents all experienced "an overwhelming and complicated rush of emotions" and an "almost irresistible sense of falling in
love..." |
"My liability and I..." - It all seemed so promising. Philip was a glamorous prince, penniless but still eligible. He would found a
Mountbatten dynasty, and share the Queen's constitutional duties. But it was not to be. So how disillusioned has he become? |
E Pluribus Dos - Two roommate ads by people who've decided exactly what they can and cannot tolerate...


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