Trustees 1st Reply to Our Request (Pg 2)
As You Were Saying?This is a free country. Folks have a right to send me letters, and I have a right not to read them. - William Faulkner
The Trustee wishes to be able to prepare answers to questions beforehand. But that would remove much of the potential for enlightenment... One thing I find interesting - the Trustee says above, " financial or commercial options had sufficient merit to provide the unitholders with an alternative for their consideration." Many unitholders wanted the option to pony up more money and keep the Trust. If the trust was a good deal for whoever it was that purchased the assets, why mightn't it have been a good deal for unitholders? The Trustee declined. Why? Because then the unitholders may have asked to see the records? For news articles on the Flat Rock Forests Trust, forestry, the Serious Fraud Office, one immigrant family's experiences, immigration
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