The Large, the Medium and the Small
Never make people laugh. If you would succeed in life, you must be solemn, solemn as an ass.
All great monuments are built over solemn asses.
- Thomas Corwin

Theodore Fitz Randolph from Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey. Son of James Fitz Randolph.
Born in Pennsylvania, 24 June 1826. Member of the New Jersey state senate from Hudson County, 1862 - 1865;
delegate to the Democratic National Convention from New Jersey, 1864; 29th Governor of New Jersey, 1869 - 1872;
US Senator from New Jersey, 1875 - 1881.
Other politicians buried in Evergreen Cemetery include
 | Mahlon Pitney, born in Morristown, 5 February 1858; lawyer; US Representative from New Jersey 4th District, 1895 - 1899;
member of New Jersey state senate from Morris County, 1899 - 1901; associate justice of New Jersey state supreme court, 1901 - 1908;
Justice of US Supreme Court, 1912 - 22. Died 9 December 1924. Today, his address is Plot section 1, lot 25, grave 2. |
 | George Theodore Wertz, of Morris County. Born 24 March 1846. Member of the New Jersey state senate from Morris
County, 1887 - 1892; 37th Governor of New Jersey, 1893 - 1896. died 17 January 1910. |
 | Henry Harrison Walker, civil War Confederate Brigadier General, born 15 October 1832, died 22 March 1912 (and buried in the North). |
 | George Thomas Cobb, born in Morristown, 13 October 1813. US Representative from New Jersey 4th District,
1861 - 1863; mayor of Morristown, 1865; member of New Jersey state senate from Morris County, 1866 - 1870; delegate to Republican
National Convention from New Jersey, 1868. Killed in an accident on the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad near White Sulphur
Springs, Greenbrier County, West Virginia, 12 August 1870. |
 | Augustus William Cutler, of Morristown. Great-grandson of Silas Condict. Born in New Jersey, 22 October
1827. Member of the New Jersey state senate from Morris County, 1872 - 1874; US Representative from New Jersey 5th District, 1875 - 1879. Died 1 January 1897. |
 | Emile Henry Lacombe, also known as E Henry Lacombe, born in New York City, 29 January 1846. Served in the Union Army
during the Civil War; Judge of US Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, 1887 - 1916. Died 28 November 1924. |

Did St Francis preach to the birds? Whatever for?
If he really liked birds he would have done better to preach to the cats.
- Rebecca West

The Reverend DeCamp and his three wives.
Curiously, Eleanor's name was engraved high enough up to allow room for another wife.
Luckily, that one outlived the Reverend - because he had run out of room. Now, they all rest side by side.

Good leaders must first become good servants.
- Robert Greenleaf

Note this says "...faithful friend in the family...", not "...of the family..."
A servant is a servant is a servant. This one rests at the very far edge of the cemetery.
See also:
 | The Hidden Workforce (in the Working Section) - for a perspective on family servants: "...It seemed there was
something about cuddling people's babies and making their beds that sharpened the usual stings of a crummy job into arrows. Indeed, as the women spoke, it became clear
that domestic labour involves an intimacy that sets it apart. The private setting and personal nature of the job not only create a climate for exploitation, but also
enable indignities not found in other, more public kinds of work..." |

In all there are 11 pages of photographs of some of the unusual features to be found in Morristown's Evergreen Cemetery. See the New Jersey section
for seven pages and the Photographs section for the other four.

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