The Family's Tree
In Memory ofA king, realising his incompetence, can either delegate or abdicate his duties. A father can do neither. If only sons could see the paradox, they would understand the dilemma. - Marlene Dietrich my father moved — e e cummings How do we forgive our fathers? Do we forgive our fathers for leaving us too often, Maybe for scaring us with unexpected rage, Do we forgive our fathers for marrying, Or divorcing, And shall we forgive them for their excesses Shall we forgive them For shutting doors? Or never speaking? Do we forgive our fathers in our age or in theirs? Or in their deaths, If we forgive our fathers, what is left? - Dick Lourie Source: This poem was read during the closing credits of the film Smoke Signals. It was originally published in a longer version titled "Forgiving Our Fathers" in a book of poems titled Ghost Radio. (This information was kindly pointed out to me by Elizabeth Huntington, Nice Try"Hi, Dad, it's me." "Oh, uh huh! Hi, son! I'll go and get your mother..." "No, don't get Mum. It's you I want to talk to..." There's a pause...then... "Why? Do you need money?" "No, I don't need money." The younger man starts on his [somewhat rehearsed but still vulnerable] speech... "I've just been remembering a lot about you, Dad, and the things you did for me. Working all those years to put me through college, supporting us. My life is going well now and it's because of what you did to get me started. I just thought about it and realised I'd never really said 'Thanks...'" Silence on the other end of the phone. The son continues, "I want to tell you... Thanks. And that I love you." "You been drinking??" Source: Manhood: An Action Plan for Changing Men's Lives by Steve Biddulph Crisisby David Beard The radio is on, Source: The Sun August 1992 My Papa's Waltzby Theodore Roethke (1908 - 1963) The whiskey on your breath We romped until the pans The hand that held my wrist You beat time on my head Source: The Pocket Book of Modern Verse Life with Fatherby Walter McDonald (b 1934) Sunday meant sleeping in, Only the Sunday funnies saved us at Maggie giving Jiggs he doted over. At dawn as if in church, descending the heavy Source: Perrine's Literature: Structure Sound and Sense For more articles related to Men including sperm donations on the net, the effects of testosterone, condom sizes, buddies, smells, nagging, gynæcologists, mid-life crises, fathers
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