Act Like You Care
Tests of Faith80% of married men cheat in America. The rest cheat in Europe - Jackie Mason Hired Don Juans Put Damsels to the TestJealous boyfriends in Russia are hiring professional seducers to test their beloved's fidelity before tying the knot, Izvestiya newspaper reported yesterday. The going rate for the services of the freelance Don Juans is $US1,000 ($NZ2,544) - $US2,000, according to Vladimir Sadchikov, a private detective in northeast Russia. Sadchikov recruits drama students to tempt prospective brides into becoming love cheats. Each suspicious fiancé tells the agency about his loved one's taste, so detectives can match the potential seducer. The husband-to-be then introduces the impostor to his beloved, and waits to see if she succumbs. - AFP Source: The Evening Post Saturday 18 November 2000 Honey Trap Company Advertising in Job CentresA private investigation firm is advertsing in job centres for flirtatious men and women to work as "honey trap" agents. The company, called The Honey Trap, offers wages of £30 to £50 per hour for smart and confident people to "detect infidelity in personal relationships and report back to client". Hours are given as between 10am and 9pm, six days per week, including evening and weekend work. The work is advertised in job centres across the UK on the computerised Job Point database. The company, based in Harrogate, Yorkshire, gives a website address for interested parties. The website explains that employees are required to observe or flirt with a target to test their fidelity. It reads: "The work is very simple. Men and women that work for The Honey Trap on a part time/when needed basis will be paid to observe someone or occasionally openly flirt with the person in question. No physical touch is needed and all they will be paid for is talking to them and reporting back to the client with what happened." It adds that the agents' mission is not to break up happy relationships but expose dishonest partners. A spokesman for the Department of Work and Pensions confirmed the job was advertised in job centres nationally but said there was no pressure for people to accept it. He said: "There is absolutely no pressure for jobseekers to apply for this job. It is a personal decision and if a person does not want to apply, there would be no effect on their benefits." Source: Wednesday 3 September 2003 More Than 50% Don't Trust Love PartnersA British survey has revealed a nation of spies, rifling through their partners' text messages, tapping phone conversations and even tailing loved ones with webcams and satellite navigation systems, to check their significant others are faithful.
Commenting on the survey's findings, former spy Harry Ferguson, once an agent with the UK's MI6 secret service, said: "Everyone has the ability to be a bit of a spy every now and again. You don't need to have James Bond's gadgets to enter the world of espionage." Source: 4 April 2007 Anatomy of an Affairby Laurence Roy Stains Thinking of cheating? Here's what to expect Sooner or later every married man meets Kristi. You know, Kristi. She's there in the next cubicle. God, she's just... great. When you saw her yesterday, there was this, well, moment. She looked into your eyes and did not look away. You've got something she wants. And you're tempted to give it. Okay, deep breath. You didn't embark on the journey of marriage with the idea of taking detours. But then, most men don't. They stumble onto their own Temptation Island. You think to yourself, "Why do other people get to have all the fun?" You can. You da man. And I'm going to lay it out for you, step by step. Your fling will pass through four stages. Stage One is...
That is, if it ever gets to this stage. More likely, you'll be caught. In which case, one of two things will happen: You'll get divorced or stay married. If you get divorced, prepare to be broke and lonely. If you stay married, prepare to do some major-league groveling. Expect zero trust, zero slack, and quite possibly a retaliatory affair. Oops. I'm so sorry. You were expecting a happy ending? A happy ending! You're so funny. This story has been told a million times, in a million ways, for a million years. Never is there a happy ending. But you knew that. Didn't you? Source: Men's Health June 2003 page 121 A Bit on the Side: Straying PowerGathering reliable data on sex is notoriously tricky. Two years ago Durex, a company that makes contraceptives, surveyed more than 300,000 people in 41 countries, asking them about their sexual habits. The intriguing results suggest that Turks are the least faithful to their partners while Israelis are the least likely to stray. On average, around the world, 1-in-5 people have affairs, with Americans (deterred by the film Fatal Attraction?) and Britons slightly less likely to cheat and the French and the Nordics more likely to do so. Of course, the survey may just as well be a measure of varying levels of honesty in the different countries. Source: 24 May 2007 See also:
The Scourge of Competitionby Steve Biddulph Competition is the bane of men's lives. To this day, when I sit down in a public place - beside a swimming pool, for example - I relax and feel good if there is no one else around. If another man arrives, I first run a check that he is no physical threat - that he is not about to mug me. No one has ever mugged me or hurt me since childhood, but the feeling still lives. (Women understand this reflex for different reasons.) Then I get to assessing whether he is stronger, has better clothes or is more athletic. If he is with a woman, I look for signs that she doesn't really like him! If the car park is within view, I check out his car for comparison with my own - a good guide to income and status, as well as taste. Even if he is friendly and a conversation starts, I consider in what light to present myself. The inner competition goes on and on - I seem caught in a basically hostile and insecure obsession with comparisons. Source: Manhood: An Action Plan for Changing Men's Lives by Steve Biddulph 1995 For more articles related to Men including sperm donations on the net, the effects of testosterone, condom sizes, buddies, smells, nagging, gynæcologists, mid-life crises, fathers
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