Email from Hell
Reply At Your Own RiskThe difference between e-mail and regular mail is that computers handle e-mail, - Jamais Cascio
================ B-E A-D-V-I-S-E-D ============== **Cease And Desist From Further Mailing To This Domain Name** globenet.comĀ This is an automated response due to one of the following:
In addition to ongoing investigations, reports have been filed with the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. Unfortunately, your e-mail address and related mail are being archived automatically in files for possible use in the investigations to apprehend the criminal offenders. **Cease And Desist From Further Mailing To This Domain Name** Original E-mail: I saw your ad on the Internet. I have a few questions:
It sounds lovely! Sincerely, And This Is Mail from Hell...An Object in Motion...This story was related to me yesterday at lunch by a fellow manager, who heard it from his dad (guaranteed true) - phenomenal testimony that physics shall not be denied, with some small humour value as well... This story involves railroad cars, Denver and a fascinating gadget used in auto wrecking yards called a "chipper." Apparently this device is fed old auto carcasses, and it in turn produces manageable-sized "chips" of metal. Seems that on this eventful evening, a gondola car was filled by a chipper and headed out of Denver around dusk. Somewhere along the track, on an uphill grade, something mechanical failed on the car, and the train pulled to a siding to uncouple it. The dutiful crew chocked the wheels with rocks, wood chunks, et cetera and then proceeded to unhook the car. Seems no one had the slightest idea of the mass being packed in that unit, as the rocks/wood held it in place for about 6 seconds. Since the crew had not yet re-switched the tracks (they thought the rest of the train would be returning to the main line) the gondola car soon found itself back on the main trackline, heading back into Denver. The engineer sprinted to the engine and full-throttled the thing after the car. After several minutes he still didn't even have a visual on it, so he radioed the situation that this car was cranking toward town and no one knew exactly where it was. The station crews immediately calculated the correct combination of switches to route this car on the straightest course thru Denver, the rail yard, and out the other side, then remotely downed every crossing gate they could, followed by dispatching crews, cops and civil servants to down the rest of the crossing arms manually and staff the intersections. Several witnesses testified that the gondola car passed their locations at between 85 and 90 miles per hour. Whilst traversing the rail yard, the car was forced to execute a slight left-hand curve in the track on its way out of Denver. The "post mortem" revealed that the curved section of track was "stretched" and displaced almost 8 feet to the right by the weight of the car. Immediately upon leaving the yard, two of the fastest engines they had were dispatched, full-throttle, in hot pursuit of the errant gondola car. Since dusk had now turned into evening, no one could get a visual on the car, but it did proceed out of Denver until it hit yet another uphill grade, at which time the pendulum effect took over... The drivers of the engines (serially-coupled) suddenly saw a dark blob approaching them on the track. They tried to stop their engines so they could put them into reverse, but could see after a few seconds that they were not going to be able to gain any ground on this car, so they jumped from their cabs. One of them, looking back at the impact, noted that, although the mass of the two engines was sufficient to stop the car, the front coupling assembly of the lead engine was obliterated, and the front engine was "lifted in place and set back down" by the impact. Source: From the rec.humor.funny joke archives OddStay that way! In a Laundromat: Automatic Washing Machines: Please remove your clothes when the light goes out. To see articles on humour plus cartoons and jokes, clicking the "Up" button below takes you to the Index page for this Humour section. |