Newsletters to Unitholders
Lack-of-News Letters from the Trustee
17 May '99 Newsletter 1 - "The perpetrators no doubt hope this is the end of the matter — but we would like to see a
different conclusion..." |
10 Sept '99 Trustees First Reply to Meeting Request - "The right of unitholders to call for a meeting is in law
exercisable against the manager." And since the manager has resigned, you unitholders are fresh out of luck!... |
25 Sept '99 Newsletter 2 - "I personally think it unusual and unfortunate that a unitholder meeting hasn’t been held
long before now. Unitholders are keen to have a frank discussion with the Manager and the Trustee regarding the demise of our trust..." |
14 Dec '99 - Newsletter 3 - "You’re probably interested in assessing your chances of getting some of or all your money
back. Some of the Trust’s records are near the 7-year limit after which they could be destroyed. The Serious Fraud Office has them secured right now"... |
22 Dec '99 - The Final Word on a Unitholder Meeting? - "We continue to be of the opinion that there is currently no
benefit to be obtained by holding a... meeting of unitholders... we will initiate a meeting... if it is in [your] interest..." Now go away!! |
29 March '00 - The Trustee's Opinion of an Inspector: "We are not currently aware of any grounds that support the
appointment of any investigator, nor has there been any information presented to us..." (Several hundred unitholder signatures don't count.) |

Media Coverage of Flat Rock Forests Trust
Trust Topples, The Dominion, 31/1/98 - This notice from the newspaper, rather than a letter from either the Manager or the trustee,
was the first indication most unitholders had that their investment was in fatal trouble... |
Trustees Caught between a Rock and Debenture Holder, National Business Review, 13/2/98 - " analysis carried
out in 1989 when the Flat Rock prospectus was issued warned of high fees, unspecified charges and potential conflicts of interest in the administration of the scheme..." |
Migrants Face Ruin after Forestry Ventures Fail, Weekend Herald, 11/7/98 - "Now it seems we just paid half a million for
residency status. That's a bit too much." - Hsiuhua Lin. Curiously, Taiwanese business investment migrants dropped from 650 in 95-96 to only 4 in
97 - 98. (Perhaps other Taiwanese agreed with her?) |
Lack of Tower Premium Surprises Some Novices, The Mail, 07/10/99 - "A group of Flat Rock Forest investors is refusing to be
deterred from the pursuit of those parties who promoted, managed and supervised this astonishingly unsuccessful venture..." |
Forest Investors Seek Class Action, Sunday Star-Times, 17/10/99 - "Perpetual Trust General Manager Corporate
Trust Rod Templeton said... there was little the trustee could do to help..." We disagree. |
Merger with the Aussies? The Sooner the Better!, The Mail, 14/10/99 (?) - "In a letter received from the trustee last
week, the claim was made that the trustee had always acted in the best interests of the investors. If a 100% lost was the outcome, what would the result have been if the
trustees were not involved?" |
Ernslaw One Harvests the Manawatu Forest, Wellington Today, 27/01/00 - The tree this worker is hard at work on once
belonged to Flat Rock Forests Trust. I'd rather still have the tree than whatever we supposedly got in its place... |
Migration Consultants' Chairman Barred, The Dominion, 11/03/00 - Mr Besley, who has spoken out on schemes that rip-off would-be
migrants, reportedly said that a group of consultants opposed registration so they could maintain an "exclusive club" where they received concessions from the Immigration
Service... |
Unit Trusts: Misconduct and Mismanagement, Chartered Accounts Journal, 09/00 - "Suggestions of misconduct and mismanagement in the
operation of a unit trust led the High Court to order appointment of inspectors to inquire into the Trust's operations." |
Flat Rock Forests Battle, Christchurch Press, 21/01/02 - "Flat Rock Forests remains a scar on our corporate face, which will not
heal..." |
Law Society Member Guilty on Three Counts of Fraud - A leading tax expert and lawyer prosecuted by the Serious Fraud Office was found
guilty yesterday of three fraud charges relating to a forestry trust. Name suppression lapsed for Donald Hugh Simcock when Judge Nicola Mathers delivered her verdict in
the Auckland District Court... |
High Road to Disgrace - The Harvard graduate's path to disgrace began in 1992, when he became a director of the company managing Flat Rock
Forests Trust. The trust, which as its name implies invested in forests, collapsed in 1998, vaporising between $10 million and $14 million of investors'
dollars. But, before the investments began to fall apart, Simcock had set up financial structures that channelled money into his hands... |

Related News
Migrants Arrive Via the High Seas, Evening Post, 07/12/93 - "To qualify as business investment migrants the family invested $500,000
through the New Zealand Development Trust Fund..." |
Travelling Life No Handicap, Contact, 18/2/99 - Cody Hatch has had only two years of formal education. That hasn't stopped
the 17 year old Texas-born Wellingtonian being accepted at Canterbury University and winning a scholarship..." |
Logging Online, Computerworld New Zealand, 27/03/00 - With this software, the Internet can be used to track timber inventory
(making life easier for future unitholders?)... |
SFO Boss Threatens to Resign The Evening Post, 24/11/00 - "Serious Fraud Office director David Bradshaw ... will consider
resigning if a parliamentary select committee persists in requesting legal documents from his office." |
Flawed Justice New Zealand Herald, 10/05/02 - We have a court system in serious need of repair. The legal domain seems not
only incomprehensible but to bear little relation to everyday realities. Indeed, so flawed is the system that the Law Commission says it's debatable whether the principle
of justice for all is being achieved... |
Land Title Change Creates Concern Stuff, 30/12/02 - "Anyone can fill out a transfer form, represent what they can claim
is your signature, and transfer your house, as simple as that. I'm astounded that it's been allowed to happen. This is potentially worse than a leaky
house. This is no house..." |
100% Conviction Rate for 2002, 4/01/03 - former SFO prosecutor, Dan
Gardiner, who worked under both Bradshaw and his more colourful predecessor, the policeman-turned-lawyer Chas Sturt, believes "quite strongly" in the SFO and the effectiveness
of the systems it employs to investigate and prosecute... |
Chilling Findings on Company Fraud New Zealand Herald, 12/7/03 - "...just under half of New Zealand businesses are thought to suffer
from [fraud], and it is expected to get worse..." |
Rich Fraudsters Get off Lightly - SFO 7/10/04 - "... there remains in some areas an approach towards white-collar offending that makes the fight against fraud and corruption particularly
difficult and encourages white-collar criminals to deny responsibility for their actions for as long as possible, with minimal adverse consequences." |

You may wish to visit the Forestry Trust Table of Contents to read how a unit trust went bust. Or the
Topics Index which offers a different approach to lots of topics - among them poisonous insects, eating dogs, what's addictive, training versus teaching, tornados, unusual flying
machines, humour, wearable computers, IQ tests, health, Y chromosomes, share options, New Jersey's positive side, oddities, ageing, burial alternatives, capital punishment, affairs,
poverty, McCarthyism, the most beautiful city in the world, neverending work and more...