We're Working at It...
If you keep working you'll last longer and I just want to keep vertical.
I'd hate to spend the rest of my life trying to outwit an 18-inch fish.
- Harold S Geneen
I think we're seeing in working mothers a change from "Thank God it's Friday" to "Thank God it's Monday."
If any working mother has not experienced that feeling, her children are not adolescent.
- Ann Diehl
Getting Started
What's Work Good for?
Do Ethics Matter? How Much?
The Cost of Change |

Making Tough Decisions
Plan Your Working Life
Pay By Degrees |
Entrepreneurial Spirit
Women Entrepreneurs
Mother |
What Job?
Hectic Life |
Professional Mothers
Attachment Parenting |
The Empty Nursery |
Women Fail to Push Job Prospects
Anger Garners Power
Work Avoidance |
Workplace "Couples"
Co-Workers Can Wreck a Marriakge
Bonding Spirit

Good Times/Bad Times
Brilliant Insights
39 Times Better?
Pay Not Linked to Performance |
Nickel and Dimed
Too Much Money |
Layoff Greeting Cards
Why I Fired My Secretary |
Out of the Mainstream
Jobs for the Disadvantaged
Released Prisoners Have Hard Time |
They Can Be Taxing
Dependent on Whom?
Sole Breadwinner's Lament |

Part Time Work
Balancing Work and Values |
Retirement will be covered in a separate section sometime in the future.

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New Jersey, oddities, photographs, playing cards, prisons, relationships, science, terrorism, Wellington, working, and more click the "Up" button below to take you to the Topics Index.