There Are Bears in the Hills
You Are in Bear CountryOnce the bear's hug has got you, it is apt to be for keeps. - Harold MacMillan History of the Black Bear in New JerseyThe black bear was an important part of New Jersey's early history. Bears were abundant in every county of the state. Native Americans and early settlers used bear meat as food. Their sweet fat provided an oil for frying and a base for medicines. Pelts were used for clothing and for trading. Settlers changed New Jersey's landscape dramatically. Forests, the type of habitat required by wildlife such as black bear, were cut and burned to make way for settlements, crops and grazing animals. As a result, the black bear was pushed into the least productive and more remote areas of the state. The black bear is a symbol of the last remaining wilderness areas in New Jersey. Today, black bears have made a remarkable recovery from their low numbers in the mid 1800's. However, the amount and quality of habitat and human tolerance remain the issues defining their future in New Jersey. Black Bear Facts
Camping in Black Bear Country
In order to more fully enjoy your camping or outdoor experience in Bear Country, the following "Ten Commandments of Camping" must be fully observed.
If A Bear Comes Into Camp:
Hiking/Fishing in Bear Country
Source: New Jersey Division of Parks & Forestry and New Jersey Division of Fish, Game & Wildlife, P O Box 400, Trenton, NJ 08625-0400 Big Black BearA big black bear walks into a beefsteak bar and says to the barman, "Barman, bring me a beer." The barman says, "I'm sorry sir, this is a beefsteak bar. We don't bring beer to big black bears." So the bear goes, "Grrrrr! Barman, bring me a beer!" and belches broadly. The barman says, "I'm sorry sir, this is a beefsteak bar. We don't bring beer to big black bears, and we certainly don't bring beer to bears who belch broadly." So the bear goes, "Grrrrr! Barman, bring me a beer!" and starts behaving badly. The barman says, "I'm sorry sir, this is a beefsteak bar. We don't bring beer to big black bears, and we certainly don't bring beer to bears who belch broadly, and we definitely don't bring beer to bears who behave badly." So the bear goes, "Grrrrr! Barman, bring me a beer!" and badmouths the barman. The barman says, "I'm sorry sir, this is a beefsteak bar. We don't bring beer to big black bears, and we certainly don't bring beer to bears who belch broadly, and we definitely don't bring beer to bears who behave badly, and we refuse to bring beer to bears who badmouth the barman." So the bear goes, "Grrrrr! Barman, bring me a beer!" and breaks a beaker. The barman says, "I'm sorry sir, this is a beefsteak bar. We don't bring beer to big black bears, and we certainly don't bring beer to bears who belch broadly, and we definitely don't bring beer to bears who behave badly, and we refuse to bring beer to bears who badmouth the barman, and we never bring beer to bears who break beakers." So the bear goes, "Grrrrr! Barman, bring me a beer!" and takes a bite out of the bar. The barman says, "I'm sorry sir, this is a beefsteak bar. We don't bring beer to big black bears, and we certainly don't bring beer to bears who belch broadly, and we definitely don't bring beer to bears who behave badly, and we refuse to bring beer to bears who badmouth the barman, and we never bring beer to bears who break beakers, and in no circumstances will we bring beer to bears who take drugs." "Eh?" says the bear, somewhat surprised. "I don't take drugs." "Really?" says the barman. "What about that bar bit you ate?" Source: news://rec.humor.funny For more articles on New Jersey including facts, census data, complex highway interchanges, photos, transit plans, politicians, geology, canals, regions, governance, flora and
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