NJ: Distribution of People and Farms
Population Distribution - 1990The only difference between a pigeon and the American farmer today is that a pigeon can still make a deposit on a John Deere. - Jim Hightower This is a dot map which shows the geographic location pattern of people. Source: A Geography of New Jersey: The City in the Garden - Second Edition by Charles A Stansfield Jr 1998 According to Stansfield, New Jersey is more densely populated than most nations - exceptions are Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, South Korea, Maldives, Malta, Mauritius, Netherlands, Puerto Rico, Singapore, and Taiwan. Seeking a Kinder, Gentler New JerseyLighten up New Jersey. That is the message from two politicians who have introduced a resolution aimed at promoting kindness and civility in the often edgy Garden State. New Jersey Assemblymen Jon Bramnick and Gordon Johnson are encouraging residents to think twice about cutting off motorists in traffic, bumping patrons in the mall or grumbling loudly in long check-out lines. "This state is densely populated. The roads are crowded, the supermarkets are crowded. It's easy to get frustrated," said Bramnick, a Republican. "If we can get a discussion about being nice out into the public, I think it could effect the way people interact with one another." Bramnick and Johnson's resolution, which is waiting for a hearing by an Assembly committee says "increased courtesy and respect among residents will reduce stress and make daily tasks more enjoyable," but does not aim to legislate behaviour. "We need to have people sit down and talk to their friends about their beliefs, beyond giving a guy the middle finger on the highway," said Johnson, a Democrat. Source: story.news.yahoo.com Wednesday 16 March 2005 Percentage of Land in Farms - 1992This map illustrates the severe competition for farmland in the heavily urban-suburban northeastern part of New Jersey. Source: A Geography of New Jersey: The City in the Garden - Second Edition by Charles A Stansfield Jr 1998 New Jersey Median Home PricesTake the following figures with a grain of salt. Each source I ran across had different figures. Sometimes the differences were slight but often they were quite large. As near as I can tell, part of the discrepancy is based on vague definitions of the word "county" - with some actually meaning "counties and regions". The differences were greatest in Monmouth, Mercer and Passaic Counties.
Source: The Best of New Jersey Friday 15 June 2001; the figures are from the New Jersey Association of Realtors; later figures nyjobsource.com New Jersey CountiesSource: county-map.digital-topo-maps.com For more articles on New Jersey including facts, census data, complex highway interchanges, photos, transit plans, politicians, geology, canals, regions, governance, flora and
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