The Garden State - Really!
New Jersey in the FallAutumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. - Albert Camus Summer makes me drowsy. Autumn makes me sing. - Dorothy Parker Panther Valley Source: New Jersey Skylands Winter 2001-2002 "Petrochemical Refinery State? Not primarily, certainly. It's actually quite pretty here in the fall - the trees turn a hundred shades of purple, red, yellow, orange, lime, gold, and brown. The air becomes filled with blowing leaves. Walking through the parks is breathtaking - like being inside a flower. The squirrels and birds get into a frenzy eating everything they can find in preparation for winter. Fall is probably the nicest time of year in New Jersey. Unfortunately, it doesn't last nearly as long as winter does... Speedwell Lake Back side of the Century 21 department whose front faces the Green in Morristown Downtown Morristown church The downside to all those multi-coloured trees... My son took this photo from his bedroom window - 7am on a Saturday. For more articles on New Jersey including facts, census data, complex highway interchanges, photos, transit plans, politicians, geology, canals, regions, governance, flora and
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