Cryptic Reminders of Time's Passage
The Crypts at Evergreen CemeteryAs for types like my own, obscurely motivated by the conviction that our existence was worthless if we didn't make a
turning point of it, - Ludwig Van Beethoven I'm unsure of the function of the piece on the lower side wall. An artifact of construction, perhaps? This stained glass window is visible from the opening in the front doors of the above crypt. The whole earth is the tomb of heroic men and their story is not given only on stone over their clay - Pericles
The Watson crypt was at the bottom end of the scale. In all there are 11 pages of photographs of some of the unusual features to be found in Morristown's Evergreen Cemetery. See the New Jersey section for seven pages and the Photographs section for the other four. For more articles on New Jersey including facts, census data, complex highway interchanges, photos, transit plans, politicians, geology, canals, regions, governance, flora and
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