Which Way to Rattlesden
Who Wants to Go There Anyway?There are no road signs to help navigate. - Steve Case Source: Photo by V Lakey as it appeared in Cyclists Please Dismount and Other Photographs from Kodak Limited's "Humour '70" Exhibition, published in 1971 by Angus and Robertson (Publishers) Pty Ltd Sign HereThe first picture is similar to the one above:
Parking up the wrong tree Ambivalence Source: the web Look Closely...Source: alphacouriers.freeserve.co.uk And We're Not Kidding!!The sign says: "Road Not Maintained - Drive at Your Own Risk" Source: alphacouriers.freeserve.co.uk Source: P Callaghan appearing in Cyclists Please Dismount and Other Photographs from Kodak Limited's "Humour '70" Exhibition, Angus and Robertson (Publishers) Pty Ltd 1971 Source: My son, Wolf, took this picture near Lake Parsippany, NJ On the Road AgainSource: various places on the web Slow Line?Source: joe-ks.com PointlessFor more articles, tests, film studies and visual amusements click the "Up" button below to take you to the Table of Contents for this Intellectual and Entertaining section. |