The Best Advice I Ever Received
You Wanna Know The Best Advice I’ve Ever Received?The only real security is not insurance or money or a job, not a house and furniture paid for, or a retirement fund, and never is it another person. It is the skill and humour and courage within, the ability to build your own fires and find your own peace. - Audrey Sutherland by E Crimmins The best advice I ever received? How about the strangest? When I was thirteen, my father took me aside and told me that all a girl needed to know to get by in life was written on the top of a mayonnaise jar. I puzzled for days about the meaning of the phrase, "Refrigerate After Opening". When I asked him, my father remarked that in his day mayo jars always said
Source: Funny Times Take My Sandy Winterton, Melrose, Wellington Although I didn't realise it at the time, the best advice my mother ever gave me was to wear clean underpants when making a rail journey. Source: as quoted in Dr Brian Edwards' Top of the Morning Worst First Sentence of a Novel Competition 2000 Die HardSource: StruggleSource: darkroastedblend.coml At Least Call for HelpSource: And Be Alert for Warning SignsOn the Positive SideHow long a minute is depends on what side of the bathroom door you're on. Life: Two Novels#1by Annette Williams, Christchurch Conception-----"Yes, do it!" Source: Book of Incredibly Short Stories selected by Brian Edwards, Tandem Press 1997 #2by Bill Humphrey, Kohimarama Arrival, cold, feeding, warmth, elimination, changing, powdering, adoration, faltering, growing, eating, progressing, changing, yearning, palpitating, grasping, conjugation, exquisite joy, fear, flight, growing, fancying, waiting, needing, building, mating, parenting, building, working, boredom, losing, yearning, escaping, sinning, exquisite joy, pain, remorse, settling, observing arrival, feeding, changing, powdering; stability, peace, feeding, cold, departure. Source: Book of Incredibly Short Stories selected by Brian Edwards, Tandem Press 1997 Great Halloween CostumeSource: 30 October 2006 To see articles on humour plus cartoons and jokes, clicking the "Up" button below takes you to the Table of Contents for this Humour section. |