Taking Flight
If forced to travel on an airplane, try and get in the cabin with the Captain
so you can keep an eye on him and nudge him if he falls asleep or point out any mountains looming up ahead.
- Mike Harding, The Armchair Anarchist's Almanac
You define a good flight by the negatives: you didn't get hijacked, you didn't crash,
you didn't throw up, you weren't late, you weren't nauseated by the food. So you're grateful.
- Paul Theroux
There are only two reasons to sit in the back row of an airplane.
Either you have diarrhea, or you're anxious to meet people who do.
- Henry Kissinger
The Age of Flight
Extraordinary Service
Flying Laboratory
Food for the Flight

Douglas Aircraft
Disguising California
Donald Douglas Jr Obituary

HF Colibri 1 SL
Leduc 0.10
Westland P12 |

Northrop Grumman
B-2A Spirit
VZ-9V Avrocar
Detachable Car |

Flying Bedstead
V-22 Osprey |

Scaled Composites
Predator 480

Bell Aerosystems
Jet Belt
Hiller VZ-1 Donut

Marc Newson's Jet
Paul Moller's Skycar |

F-117A Nighthawks |
Carrier Helicopter Lift |
Hot Air Balloons
Hang Gliding
Paragliding |

Planes Becoming Low Class? / Replies
Massage Me

The Rain in Planes
Boneyard in the The Arizona Desert |

DC-3 in New Zealand
Pan Am's Jumbo
Airport Abbreviations |

Poor Profits / Computer Woes
Bankruptcy / Fare Wars

Out of Control
Fragility / Retirements Loom
Air Navigation
Warning: Air Turbulence |

The Rich & Famous
Air Gender
Pilot Age/Older Pilots
Heroes |

Dry Ice at 33,000 Feet
Out of Gas at 41,000 Feet
Crash Data
Fast Crash
Dead Pilot Cleared |

Air Show
Airbus Challenges Boeing
Airport Changes |

High Capacity
Pomp: Airbus Comes of Age
Luxury from Airbus

Boeing Copies Airbus
Goodbye to the Concorde
Desperately Seeking Lightness

The Future
Prove It Improves
Predict-the-Future Contest |
Blimp Flies
Your Remains in Orbit?
Space Travel |

Solar Sail
Solar Sell |

I would like to express my gratitude to United Airlines, whose May issue of their inflight magazine, Hemispheres, provided me with a lot of information on the history of
commercial airlines - at least in the US. I also hope many people reading this buy a copy of Michael Taylor's excellent book The World's
Strangest Aircraft: A Collection of Weird and Wonderful Flying Machines. The book has more stuff than I included here and is well worth a read. Why not check it

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