No Moat Possible but So What?Justice is an unassailable fortress, built on the brow of a mountain which cannot be overthrown by the violence of torrents, nor demolished by the force of armies. - Joseph Addison This castle could be called "Justice". But it's not perfect because getting pizza delivered could be a problem... Where does their water come from? Where does their waste go? (one possibility for that: an Ecosan Waterless toilet system?) Source: a bookmark purchased from The Bookshop, Librairie Anglo-Saxonne 17, rue Lakanal 31000 Toulouse Prefer a Moat and Hate Yard Work?Egeskov (Oak Forest) Castle on the Danish Island of Fyn (second-largest island after Zealand), in the town of Odense. The castle was built in 1554 and is still inhabited by landed nobles. The family maintains several elaborate gardens, a motorcycle museum, a car and airplane museum, a bamboo maze and a suspended walkway that runs through the forest surrounding the castle. Egeskov at night Source: Minneapolis-St Paul Star Tribune from the Scripps Howard News Service; the second photo is from the website Car for Sale - Must Pick UpThe following was an actual advertisement in an Irish newspaper... 1985 Blue Volkswagen Golf, only 15 km. Only first gear and reverse used; never driven hard, original tires, original brakes, original fuel and oil. Only one driver. Owner wishing to sell due to employment lay-off. The ad was accompanied by this photo: Source: Swallow's NestBuilt in the late 19th century near Yalta in the South of Crimea, Swallow's Nest is situated on a steep cliff over the sea. For pages on several types of natural disasters - including lightning strikes, tornados, hurricanes, volcanoes, floods, global warming and more - as well as some great satellite
and tree photos, clicking the "Up" button immediately takes you to the Table of Contents page for this Environment section. |