The Enemy of Knowledge? Education
Education is what you get from reading the fine print. Experience is what you get from not reading it.
- Source unknown
Some minds are like concrete: thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.
- Attributed to the Reverend Denny Brake
Experience is a teacher, but here's what makes me burn:
She's always teaching me the things I do not care to learn.
- Anonymous
Intelligence in the Internet Age - Is all that information we have at our fingertips making us smarter? Or is it causing
us to feel that we don't have to remember anything because we can just look it up? And why does literacy seem to be dropping, not rising? |
Children as Fashion Aids - Parents are ready to treat children as "mini-adults from the age of 3" but dump them on someone else at the
first opportunity because they were "an interference with getting on with life." Potty training, table manners, meals, social skills, drug testing, before and after
school care, sex and contraception advice become the responsibility of someone else. Some parents simply see their child as a fashion item whose real needs are met by
somebody else... |
Student Writing, on the other hand, tends to fall into a very different category than "great". It isn't, alas, just that they
structure their ideas poorly - but that the ideas themselves are shallow. Will they outgrow this? At what age can people be considered to be "grown"? |
It's My Opinion and It's True - I'm glad she got her purse back, but? The way she told us about visiting the toilet before driving home was
odd but vaguely justified since that's where she left her purse. This is the professor who randomly told us her friend directs porn movies. Once, after sneezing
violently, she muttered, "Wow! That felt good. Now I feel like a cigarette and a shower." It's really quite traumatizing... |
Library Internet Censorship - the Child Internet Protection Act is one of a host of actions by government agencies, school boards
and others to limit what we read, see and hear. Censorship is nothing new but the growth of the internet, the rightward shift of the government and the "war on
terror" have recently taken things up a notch... |
Policing the Language - "Older people" should not be shown as physically weak, retired, living with relatives or prone to fishing,
baking, knitting, reminiscing or naps; they should be not "funny, absentminded, fussy or charming" and their eyes should not twinkle. Women shouldn't be pictured as
teachers, nurses, secretaries, mothers - or as aggressive businesswomen. ... Hispanics shouldn't wear bright colours. Native Americans shouldn't live on
reservations... |
I Trust; You Obey - ...a return to the "basics" and renewed emphasis on discipline are the very things which are least likely to produce an
educated citizenry. The truth is that the number of jobs requiring extensive technical, scientific, or literary skills is shrinking... |
Subjects - Check out the textbooks your kids are using. Just what does it mean to be "schooled" anyway? |
Tests vs Assessments - What, exactly, is being tested? Public education during the last 30 years has tended against testing
for knowledge of content, instead emphasizing a psychological assessment of a child's needs, background and ability to conform to the group. A "test" objectively
measures an ability to solve problems; an "assessment" speculates about environmental conditioning. |
Costs - The average spent to get a student back to school is $5,033. What it would cost if a shopper put that $5,033 in purchases
on a credit card with a typical interest rate of 17.99% and paid only the minimum each month? It would take 54 years to pay off the
debt... |
All Work and No Play - There is evidence that restricting play at US schools increases attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD). One in 18 US school children suffers from ADHD (½ are being treated with the psycho-stimulant drug Ritalin). Their numbers have increased by 600% since 1990
(the US has five times the cases of the rest of the world combined). |
Honour - The nation's high school students lie a lot, cheat a lot, and many show up for class drunk, according to results of a
nationwide teen character study. Seven in 10 students admitted cheating on a test at least once in the past year, and nearly half said they had done so more than
once... |
Given the myriad ways in which our schools are failing, it may be hard to remember that public schools were intended not only to instruct children in reading and math
but also to teach them commonality, tolerance and what it means to be American. Even if one could prove that sending a kid off to his or her own school based on
religion or race or ethnicity or gender did a little bit better job of raising the academic skills for workers in the economy, there's also the issue of
trying to create tolerant citizens in a democracy... |
The goal of educational success takes 4 years to achieve no matter what is being taught. An economic reward is attached to the goal that seldom has anything to do
with what was learned. Large numbers of people who don't possess adequate ability are urged to try to achieve this goal. Sometimes, after they've spent a
lot of time and money, it's denied to them. Everyone who doesn't achieve the goal is stigmatized. The goal is a "BA"... |
Elusive Adulthood - teenagers orchestrate their own rites of passage, celebrating their power to have sex, to join a gang or a fraternity or to
experiment with drugs, all without guidance from older generations - or a clue, for that matter, about what lies around the corner in true adulthood... |
Rigidity - Weber contended he was wearing the pager in order to communicate with his parents. At the trial the vice principal
testified there was no legitimate reason for a student to have a pager - if a parent wanted to contact his child, he could do so by contacting the school's main
office. However, student cellphones were okay... |
8-Year-Old Charged with Lewd Conduct - When a 14-year-old babysitter suggested a game of "Truth or Dare" and challenged her 8-year-old
charge to touch her breast, he did it. When his mother found out, she called police. To her amazement, her son was charged with lewd conduct against a minor (the
babysitter). Why? Because he "went along with it"... |
Exclusion - Students participated in a group "get acquainted" exercise, and were then asked to choose two people they would want
to work with on an individual basis. Half the students were told no one wanted to work with them; the rest were told everyone wanted to work with them... |
Who Wants to Be a Genius? - Just as Dr Ericsson took people without discernible talent and made them into champions, so, in a way, did
Hungarian, Laszlo Polgar. When he began training his daughters, it was thought women couldn't play serious tournament chess. But through a deliberate psychological
experiment, he and his wife created a trio of world-class champions out of their own daughters.. |
Scared Sober: Death as a Deterrent - Participants in the
Youthful Drunk Driving Visitation Program tour the coroner's office . The program "makes you stop and think about who you might hurt..." |
No More Teacher's Dirty Looks - Schools should simply cease to exist as we know them. The Government needs to get out of the
education business and stop thinking it knows what children should know and then testing them constantly to see if they regurgitate whatever they have just been spoon fed... |
The person who's received a real education from having constructed this website is - me. My concluding opinion about education and
those of a couple of other people as well... |

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