Elvis Presley? Frank Sinatra?
King of ClubsMr Clarke played the King all evening as though under constant fear that someone else was about to play the Ace. - Margaret Thatcher This seems to me to be a very delicate king. (I usually mistook it for the queen.) One wonders what kind of ruler he would make - possibly a good counterbalance to that leather-clad queen? Historically, the King of Clubs represents Alexander the Great. Artist: Cecil Collins, who has/had works displayed in Great Britain
and in the United States
The Basler Fasnacht is a carnival that celebrates the ending of the fasting period. It's roots go back deep into history. The events start in the week after Ash Wednesday in the protestant town of Basel, a week later than in Roman Catholic regions. People stay up all night in bars and hotels, with traditional food like "Mehlsuppe" and of course beer, wine and "Kaffeefertig", a brandy strengthened coffee, until the festivities start at 4:00am with the "Morgenstraich". At 3:55am, all lights in the town are turned off and 5 minutes later the marches on the central market square in the town centre begin. Through the alleys and small streets the "Cliquen" (carnival companies) in their colourful outfits march with their bright shining lanterns, that show scenes from the year that has passed, often a satirical view on politicians or other vip's. They are accompanied by traditional drum and flute music. It is called "gässeln" and it goes on until late in the morning. In the 1980's a series of Basler Fasnachtkarten was published to commemorate the event. Each year the deck was designed by a different local artist. In 1987, the deck was designed by Marianne Pomeroy. She has caught the fasnacht feeling and tradition in some fine impressions. Too bad that no further information about her can be found. Source: dxpo-playingcards.com Clicking the "Up" button below will take you to the Table of Contents for this section where you can view thumbnails of this entire deck. |