Eight of Hearts
I'd live with someone if he were cute, intelligent, compassionate, adorable and had a good sense of humour.
- Elizabeth Taylor, after 8 marriages

Artist: Derek Hirst, who has/had works displayed in Great Britain
 | Brighton - University of Sussex |
 | Local Education Authorities - Stirlingshire |
 | London -
 | Arts Council of Great Britain |
 | Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation |
 | Contemporary Art Society |
 | Department of the Environment |
 | St Gabriel's College |
 | Tate Gallery |
 | Tate Gallery Print Collection |
 | Victoria and Albert Museum |
 | Milton Keynes - Open University |
 | Newcastle upon Tyne - Laing Art Gallery |
 | Southampton - Southampton University |
and in Brazil
 | Salvador - Fundacão dos Museus Regionais de Bahia |
and in Canada
 | Ottawa - The National Gallery of Canada |
and in Ireland
 | Dublin - Bank of Ireland |

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