Three Commercials
One Up Off, One Down Under, and One Up Over the TopCommercials on television are similar to sex and taxes; the more talk there is about them, the less likely they are to be curbed. - Jack Gould Commercial society regards people as bundles of appetites, a conception that turns human beings inside out, - George F Will Fighting off Boredom
Click to Play Who Would Have Thought Bicycles and Life Insurance Could Be Funny?A flock...
Click to Play Source: compiled from According to David Ogivly, you have only 30 seconds in a TV commercial. If you grab attention in the first frame with a visual surprise, you stand a better chance of holding the viewer. People screen out a lot of commercials because they open with something dull... When you advertise fire-extinguishers, he says you should open with the fire. According to Morris Hite, to Mrs Mufoosky, "the commercials may seem as long as a whore's dream..." But to the new advertiser who has spent $100,000 for his first network commercial, he is getting a new understanding of "a split second." It's the fastest half minute of his lifetime... For more animation, video clips, and shockwave games click the "Up" button below to take you to the index page for this Animation section where you will find all sorts of
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