Show Me! Show You!
Kikkoman Fights Foreign Condiments!Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavour. - Truman Capote This scores really high in the bizarre category. In this vignette, the mighty Kikkoman is defending fine Japanese cuisine against foreign condiments like catsup, Worcestershire Sauce and mayonnaise. It's hard to tell if this is part of a Japanese guerilla marketing campaign by the Kikkoman Corporation, a bored animator's project, or the work of a mad soy sauce fanatic. Enjoy the intricate Japanese mystery that is Kikkoman, Defender of the Soy... ("Show You" is, of course shoyu, the Japanese word for soy sauce.)
Click to Begin Source: Michael Guerrero provided this analysis to help unveil the mysteries of Kikkomaso:
Source: But Wait! There's More...-------- Original Message -------- This message was posted via the Feedback form. I have a few comments regarding Michael Guerrero's analyses on Kikkoman. First, Kikko does not mean penis at all. Kikko means a turtle shell in Japanese. Kikkoman, the brand, literally means the "turtle shell 10,000" - that is why the Kikkoman mark has a hexagon turtle shell mark. Second, "Kikkomaso," the nickname for kikkoman, is a play on the name "ultimate muscle" or ultimate maso in Japanese. Third, the kitty, the symbol of 2 ch (the term of Japanese net-discussion members and net creaters like me), suicided because of shame, as he said in the quote, "I am sorry, Kikkoman." And Kikkoman did not hang the cat. As for the girl... she is a symbol of the Chinese dumpling. Ketchup is the enemy. I hope you can make these corrections for me. For more animation, video clips, and shockwave games click the "Up" button below to take you to the index page for this Animation section where you will find all sorts of things. |