News and Site Updates Archive 2007/04/30 - 2007/06/19
You can have data without information, but you cannot have information without data.
- Daniel K Moran
19 Jun '07 - Is this the way of the
future? New Songdo City is a $31 billion development 60 kilometres south of Seoul on 600 hectares of reclaimed land. It will be one of the world's first cities in which all
information systems - residential, medical, business - are linked. A resident's smartcard house key can be used to get on the subway, pay a parking metre, see a movie, borrow a free
public bicycle. or use one of 10,000 available electric "smart" cars for a quick jaunt across town. There will be fixed-line fibre optics to the home and high-speed wireless access
everywhere. If a garbage can is full, embedded sensors automatically alert a facilities management team to empty it and public recycling bins will use RFID to credit residents every
time they toss in a bottle... Australian researchers discovered that honeybees can distinguish human faces. The insects were shown black-and-white photos and given treats for
correct responses... An absolutely wonderful presentation on M-theory and how it may,
in fact, be the Theory of Everything that's been sought for so long... "From the moment a soldier enlists, we inculcate loyalty, duty, honour, integrity, and selfless service,"
General Taguba said. "And yet when we get to the senior-officer level we forget those
values. I know that my peers in the Army will be mad at me for speaking out, but the fact is that we violated the laws of land warfare in Abu Ghraib. We violated the tenets of
the Geneva Convention. We violated our own principles and we violated the core of our military values. The stress of combat is not an excuse, and I believe, even today, that
those civilian and military leaders responsible should be held accountable."
Jeremy Bentham (1748 - 1831) was an English philosopher and
social reformer. As requested in his will, Bentham's body was preserved and stored in a wooden cabinet, termed his "Auto-icon". Originally kept by a disciple, it was acquired
by University College London in 1850. The Auto-Icon is kept on public display at the end of the South Cloisters in the main building of the College. This has led to the
(untrue) rumour that he is occasionally brought to meetings of the Council (at which he is listed as "present but not voting"). The Auto-Icon has always had a wax head
because the head was badly damaged in the preservation process. The real head had been displayed in the same case for many years, but became the target of repeated student
pranks - including being stolen on more than one occasion. It is now securely locked away... A new kind a
shoe - it feels just like being barefoot.
How a 40-tonne humpback whale gave tourists a flying lesson... JobVent is the web site for anyone who has ever said "I hate my job", or "I love my job" - for people who are about to start a new job, and
want to see what other people think of working there. Vulgar comments are kept to a minimum, no names are used and all postings are anonymous (via Cynical-C)... Stay cool this summer - a hat cool pack
can be affixed to any cap and lowers body temp by 2°C (about 3°F). An ice-in-a-can spray shoots out a -10°
frost onto towels for handy face wiping (each can contains about 70 squirts). A 15° cool neck wrap keeps arteries from boiling over and helps with
circulation and an armpit pack reduces body heat in the chest... Scientists at the University of Manchester (UK) have invented an electronic device that can make a cheap violin sound like a Stradivarius - but it costs less than US$700... Lightning
strikes the earth about 8 million times a day.
Impressive birthday cakes (by the way, you share
your birthday with at least 9 million other people in the world)... Gold is a soft, yellow, corrosion-resistant element, the most malleable and
ductile metal; it is a good thermal and electrical conductor and is generally alloyed to increase its strength; used as an international monetary standard, in jewelry, for decoration, and
as a coating on electrical and mechanical components. Palladium is a soft, ductile, steel-white, tarnish-resistant, metallic element occurring
naturally with platinum, especially in gold, nickel, and copper ores. It can absorb large amounts of hydrogen, so it is used as a purification filter for hydrogen and catalyst in
hydrogenation; it is alloyed for use in electric contacts, jewelry, watch parts and surgical instruments. Platinum is a silver-white metallic
element usually mixed with iridium, osmium, or nickel; it is ductile and malleable, does not oxidize in air and is used as a catalyst and in electrical components, jewelry, dentistry, and
electroplating. Silver is a lustrous white, ductile, malleable metallic element, occurring both uncombined and in ores such as argentite; has
highest thermal and electrical conductivity of the metals; highly valued for jewelry and tableware; widely used for coins, photography, dental and soldering alloys, electrical contacts, and
printed circuits. White gold is an alloy of gold and nickel, sometimes contains palladium or zinc; has pale platinumlike colour; a nickel alloy is
hard, strong and good for rings and pins while white gold-palladium alloys are soft and pliable, good for gemstone settings; highest quality white gold is usually 18 karat gold with
palladium and sometimes trace platinum for weight and durability. Whilst high-quality white gold alloys retain lustre, most are coated with rhodium for shine and may require
re-coating. 1 in 8 people is allergic to white gold.
A taxi driver in Beijing decided to cool the interior of his taxi by creating a 2-square-metre lawn on top of it. And apparently, it seems to work well under the
36°C weather in Beijing... Marc Sky, the dollar artist, makes incredible
origami sculptures out of dollar bills, including animals, cufflinks, people, messages - practically anything... Money origami - shows YOU how to do some of them - a classy way to give money as a
gift. Another site with slightly different objects... People keep all kinds of weird things in jars, from Habu snakes to one-eyed pigs to human penises... Sid Caesar and Nanette Fabrey
brilliantly pantomime an argument to Beethoven's 5th... High 'n Low is a silicone shim for wobbly tables and chairs. This piece of
rubber can be used over and over and is easily carried in pocket or purse where it is readily accessible when a chair or table is unstable... Complete listing of the
wonders of the world, both past and present... Photographs of the new 7
wonders plus an article about the
selection process... In case you've never seen it, Johnny Cash's touching music video of "Hurt" and the
original by Nine Inch Nails for comparison.
I've heard again from the Mississippi musician friend I met in Little Rock. They've uploaded a new trailer of their movie which is more
like a music video. I did a search online for hurricanes and came up
with an interesting page on Galveston - after a hurricane plowed through the town in 1900 killing
nearly 6,000 people and devastating what was then "the centre of commerce for the entire Southwest," rather than leave their shifting sandbar, they walled off the entire city and raised
everything in it - houses, churches, offices, trees, gardens - by as much as 17 feet - then filled it all in with dredged silt (it worked for a while).
Before the project started, engineers went around town marking telephone poles to show how high
the owners should raise their buildings. In both photographs the man points to the same white line.
From Against the Tide: The Battle for America's Beaches by Cornelia Dean
That site led me to another interesting page on the 1947 Texas City explosion - fertiliser being loaded to
ship to Europe got too hot. The resulting blast knocked people to their knees 10 miles away and broke windows 40 miles away. A 3,000-pound anchor was hurled more than 2 miles
and dug a 10-foot pit where it struck the ground.
Speed Demon photography contest
boasts some truly AWESOME shots... Question: How can a non-believer be a nice
person? Answer: It's only temporary - they can't keep it up - just ask Billy Graham... In 1999, Nicholas Christenfeld and his colleagues from the University of California,
San Diego, uncovered evidence suggesting that a person's
initials might affect perhaps the most important aspect of his life - the moment of his death. Using a large, computerised database of death certificates, they identified
people whose initials formed a positive-sounding word such as ACE, HUG and JOY, and those that had very negative connotations, like PIG, BUM and DIE. Using factors such as race, year
of death and socio-economic status as controls, the researchers discovered that men with positive initials lived approximately 4½ years longer than average, whereas those with negative
initials died about 3 years early. Further analysis suggested that those with negative initials were especially likely to die from psychological causes, such as suicides and
self-inflicted accidents.
With Japan’s welfare system buckling under the demands of an ageing society, the world’s oldest man apologised yesterday for his longevity. Tomoji Tanabe, 111, was born in the
southern island of Kyushu in 1895. Curiously, Yone Minagawa, who lives in the same prefecture, is 114 and holds the title of world’s oldest woman. Japan’s population of
centenarians is the largest in the world. Most of the 28,000 Japanese who have made it beyond 100 are women and the highest concentration of the very elderly is in the southern part
of the archipelago. The area around Hiroshima and the island of Okinawa are especially rich in former "world’s oldest" title holders... Alice in Wonderland - "...I don't recall freedom of religion meaning no religion. Our currency even
says "In God We Trust." So, to all the atheists in America: Get off of our country..." Random drug facts: 55.1% of all US prisoners are in prison for drug offenses. A
Canadian researcher found that children from broken marriages are twice as likely to be prescribed attention-deficit drugs as children whose parents stay together.
Pizza in a cone - easy to eat while you
walk... A funny David Armand (as "Johann Lipowitz") mimeing to Paul Young's "Wherever I Lay My Hat (That's My
Home)"... A 2006 study of 23,000 people in 12 countries
done by a group at the University of California, Berkeley concluded: liberals tend to be: against, skeptical of, or cynical about familiar and traditional ideology; open to new
experiences; individualistic and uncompromising, pursuing a place in the world on personal terms; private; disobedient, even rebellious rule-breakers; sensation seekers and pleasure
seekers, including in the frequency and diversity of sexual experiences; socially and economically egalitarian; and risk prone; furthermore, they value diversity, imagination,
intellectualism, logic, and scientific progress. Conservatives exhibit the reverse in all these domains. Moreover, they felt need for order, structure, closure, family and
national security, salvation, sexual restraint, and self-control, in general, as well as the effort devoted to avoidance of change, novelty, unpredictability, ambiguity, and complexity, is
a well-established characteristic of conservatives.
Digital imaging offers the ability to use images in new ways
and transform perceptions. Now, any image can be put on a wall (wallpaper), curtains, ceilings and carpet. Iranian artist Seyed Alavi had an aerial view of the Sacramento River
woven into a carpet for the floor of a pedestrian bridge connecting the Sacramento International Airport terminal to the parking garage - a real "flying carpet"... Patrick Blanc's
Vertical Gardening - perfect for cities! Click on "Walls" for photos... Getting access to the
Gmail accounts of a deceased person (if it matters)... What Dick Cavett's uncle knew about war... Global tropical cyclone tracks from 1985 to 2005; includes hundreds of systems that affected over a
dozen countries. The picture was made using NASA imagery and data from various meteorological agencies... A fascinating display of typological collections, from taillights to RV's to drivethrough menus. Originality is not always
rewarded... "A religious war is like children fighting over who has the strongest imaginary friend."
Each step has its own
drawer. The idea comes from yachts and other boats where space is at a premium and under-stair storage is pretty common. It's also used on RVs. Having lived on both,
it has been my experience that keeping the space free of dust-bunnies is impossible... A 6-year study of a million adults showed that people who get only 6 to 7 hours of sleep a night
have a lower death rate than those who get 8 hours... Amazing video of a
dog selecting and using a tool... Several ways to tie a tie... So you think you're smart? Too smart for your salary? Then prove it... An exceptionally
novel cursor... Largest island in a lake on an island in a lake on an island: Vulcan point in Crater Lake on Vulcano Island in
Lake Taal on Luzon, Philippines... Hack your brain by making Mitch Altman's Brain
Machine - it flashes LEDs into your eyes and beeps sounds into your ears to make your brain waves sync up into beta, alpha, theta, and delta brainwaves (and no, I have not tried it).
Israeli artist Boaz Arad created this Hitler rug so people can wipe their feet on Adolf, "to show how the Holocaust has scarred Israel, but
has also been misused by it." The exhibition is at the Tel Aviv Center for Contemporary Arts (via
Neatorama)... A variety of wooden-made PC
peripherals such as keyboard, USB memory, card reader, and USB hub... For teenagers these days, cell phone use is constant. "Texting" friends is the equivalent of the
now-passé note-passing. An estimated 61% of 12- to 19-year-olds carry cells, up from 25% in the year 2000, according to Teenage Research Unlimited... In 1957, the Shippingport
Atomic Power Station in Pennsylvania, the first nuclear facility to generate electricity in the United States, went on line. It was taken out of service in 1982... All US
Presidents have worn glasses... An average 61,000 people are airborne over the US in any given hour... Every human spends about half an hour as a single cell.
inflatable catamaran that fits in your trunk; it weighs 40 kilograms but can hold 240 kilos (room for 2 people) with sail, rudder,
keel fins... Etiquette - the primary French sense is ticket or label, hence a soldier's billet, hence prescribed routine. In English,
the word means, among other things, the conventional rules observed in the intercourse of polite society. US flag etiquette requires flag should be hoisted briskly and lowered
ceremoniously. It should be displayed during school days in or near every schoolhouse; when flown at half-staff, it should be first hoisted to the peak for an instant then lowered to
the half-staff position. On Memorial Day, the flag should be displayed at half-staff until noon, then raised to the top of the staff; a flag should never be used as wearing apparel,
bedding or drapery, nor as a covering for a ceiling nor for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be
embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and
discarded... The surreal photographs of Rodney Smith... International dress size converter... A "tragedy of the commons" is a type of social trap that involves a conflict over resources between an
individual’s interests and that of the common good. In this situation, a group of people works toward short-term individual gains, which, in the end, lead to a loss for the group as
a whole. Tragedy of the commons originated from a parable published in 1833 by William Forster Lloyd. The theory itself, however, dates back to Aristotle who said: "That which is
common to the greatest number has the least care bestowed upon it." Aristotle knew what he was talking about and one great example of this is the overfishing of our oceans, which has been increasing dramatically over the last 50 years as advances in fishing technology have been made.

There's a jungle in the main Madrid train station.
Called Atocha, it is the largest railway station in Madrid and the first - inaugurated on 9 February 1851.
Architect Rafael Moneo’s idea for the latest extension to the station was to make waiting more comfortable.
He converted the building into a moist and tropical greenhouse, breathtakingly beautiful and mellowing.
Covers 4.000 m2 and contains more than 500 species including carnivorous plants, goldfish, turtles, birds.
(via A lovely LARGE photo by photographer Georg Himmrich
12 May
'07 - The lens of the eye is made of extremely durable crystallin proteins - but chemical changes diminish their elasticity over decades of
use. This is one reason why people age 40 and up develop farsighted vision. The eye's lens also gradually turns a yellowish colour - so much so that even without cataracts
(clouding caused by too much UV and cholesterol and/or by diabetes and smoking), the light reaching the retina of a healthy 60-year-old is is only 1/3 that of a 20-year-old. This
is one of the reasons why older people have more difficulty seeing in the dark... Unusual photos of
an airplane's wake vortices; ine shows a plane descending through thin layers of cloud 5 miles from landing... Arnd Drossel, 38, a German performance artist, took a
220-mile roll through North-Rhine Westphalia to raise money for psychiatric
patients. His journey was made inside a protective capsule - 250 high-grade steel strands welded into something resembling a massive ball of wool which he propelled by simply
walking. His trek was to symbolize courage, exemplified by rolling though the tiger enclosure at a zoo (I'm not too sure why courage was required for what he did - but oh,
well)... So far, physicists have succeeded in observing 16 pointlike or
fundamental particles, a number that increases if you count antimatter particles, or if you differentiate among, say, the 8 types of gluons. Particles in the largest group,
called fermions (in honour of Enrico Fermi) are the stuff of matter. Fermions include electrons and quarks, which come in the whimsical-sounding varieties up, down, charm, strange,
top, and bottom. A hadron is a collection of quarks, or quarks and antiquarks. A proton is a hadron composed of two up quarks and one down; a neutron consists of two downs
and one up. A top quark is estimated to last no more than 1 × 10-24 seconds. (For comparison’s sake, 1 × 10-24 centuries comes to 3 millionths of a billionth
of a second.
"Cheques sent through the mail are not
enough. [E]very able-bodied adult [should] have a position in both the production system and the 'caring' economy: part of a working life or of a working year should be devoted to
participating in the provision of care for the young, the old, the infirm, the poor, and the desperate." - What Should the Left Propose? by Roberto Mangabeira Unger... Looks
like an alien, sings like a diva Klaus Nomi was one of the 1980s' most profoundly bizarre characters. He was a cult
figure in the New Wave underground scene, a genuine counter tenor who sang pop music like opera. On the verge of international fame as a singer, he became instead one of the first
gay artists to die of AIDS. The reaction he provoked was so strong, that he is still unforgettable, even 20 years after his death. Watch the trailer for The Nomi Song, a documentary about his life (Quicktime required) or view an incredible video of him singing
"Lightning Strikes"... Before being extradited to the US, Hew Griffiths, from New South Wales, had never
even set foot in America. But while in NSW, he pirated software produced by American companies. Some in the Australian legal community feel that their country should protect
her nationals from being removed from their homeland to a foreign country merely because the commercial interests of that foreign country are claimed to affected by the person's
behaviour. Griffiths "cracked" copy-protected software and
media products and then distributed them free of cost. He did not make money himself. He offered to plead guilty if he could serve his time in Australia but his request was
denied. On top of a possible 10-year jail term, Griffiths could be fined $US500,000. By way of comparison, the average sentence for rape in Victoria is 6 years and 10
months... "Send" may be the most dangerous word in the English language... Fathers
who play less of a role in child rearing are more likely to have overweight or obese offspring, Australian researchers say. Curiously, a mother's parenting style has little
impact leading to the conclusion that it is more often Dad who enforces stricter boundaries.
Socially reponsible design from the Cooper Hewitt design museum - for example, transporting water
is a time-consuming and cumbersome necessity for many millions of people. Rather than lifting and carrying water, containers, the Q-Drum is a cylindrical container that rolls along
the ground with as much as 75 litres of water. It is used in a number of African countries including Angola, Ethiopia, Ghana. Kenya, Namibia, South Africa and
Tanzania. Several other excellent examples are shown on the site... You don't usually watch music videos, you say? This one might be worth your time - Sarah
McLachlan's "World On Fire" shows what the $150,000 needed to produce the typical music video might have been used for
instead... Depending on age and gender, an adolescent with an IQ of 100 is 1.5 to 5 times more likely to have had intercourse than a teen with a score of 120 or 130. Each
additional point of IQ increase the odds of virginity by 2.7% for males and 1.7% for
females. Higher IQ has a similar relationship across the entire range of romantic/sexual interactions, decreasing the odds that teens have kissed or even held hands with a member
of the opposite sex at each age. By 19, 80% of US males and 75% of women have lost their virginity, and 87% of college students have had sex. But this number appears to be
much lower at elite (more intelligent) colleges. Only 56% of Princeton undergraduates have had intercourse. At Harvard 59% of the undergraduates are non-virgins, and at MIT,
only a slight majority, 51%, have had intercourse. Further, only 65% of MIT graduate students have had sex. Student surveys at MIT and Wellesley also compared
virginity by academic major. At Wellesley, 0% of studio art majors were virgins, but 72% of biology majors were - and 83% of biochem and math majors! Testosterone may
depress IQ. One team found that salivary testosterone levels were lower for preadolescent boys with IQs above 130 or below 70 - the same two groups most likely to be virgins in
Photographs of
deep-sea life. My favorite is the ping-pong tree sponge, although the telescope octopus runs a close
second... There’s a whole lot of bill padding going on according to a billing
survey by William G Ross, professor at Samford University’s Cumberland School of Law who specializes in billing ethics. Ross polled 5,000 attorneys; 251
responded. Two-thirds said they have “specific knowledge” of bill padding; 54.6% admit they have sometimes performed unnecessary tasks just to bump up their billable output;
34.7% engage in "double billing" (for example, doing billable work for client B while on an airplane flight already being charged to client A). “Making work” can also be a
problem. Ditto mistakes due to inefficiences of law firms and the partner-associate-legal assistant structure. What if a lawyer charges client A because he needs to research
a lot of stuff, then client B calls with the same problem. Does client B get a smaller bill, or does he pay for "research" for information already available?... In results
that may perturb most animal welfare groups, tests suggest chickens can feel pain (there
was doubt about this?). Those known to be experiencing some form of discomfort or lameness choose food laced with morphine when given the choice. By contrast, chickens who
are fully fit choose feed that is not spiked with an analgesic. From the same article: Elephants make graves by breaking branches to cover their dead colleagues. More on the
animal front: Irene Pepperberg ran an experiment on parrots in her lab using a walnut tied to a string dangling from the bird's perch. Those young parrots who had not yet been
language-trained solved the problem by pulling up on the string with their feet to reach the nut. But the parrots who knew how to talk just looked at the researchers and said,
"Want nut." Because the lab protocol requires that the birds *always* get an appropriate response to their verbal demands, this was actually the optimal strategy - and the birds
knew it (via Metafilter)... Trust me,
not ALL Americans are this ignorant - though far too many are... Dear Cape Cod Chip Company: I am attaching a picture of the bag of your usually enjoyable "Cape Cod Potato Chips" that I
bought today. The objects sitting beside the bag were its full contents. You will notice that these include a few soggy chips and a full, shriveled potato... Will you
kindly send me a replacement bag?... Nigerian scammers have come up with a twist - apologising via email for all the financial scams, and asking for bank information to send a
payment for "inconvenience" you've been caused. The Nigerian government is willing to send you $150,000! Wow. Wonder why the Nigerian government can't figure out how to
put that money to better use? Oh.
2 May '07 - Mannyapolis, the film my son Wolf and I did for our senior thesis, has been accepted by the Little Rock Film Festival
and will be screened the 19th and 20th of May. If you are a kind person, you would view our film's trailer on the festival site here (because that will increase our "buzz").
Need a playhouse for
the kids? The Napa Valley Chalets (shown) were designed to provide "different but equal" Playhouses for 2 pre-teen siblings. Each luxury Playhouse has a fully finished interior, glass doors and windows, electricity, built-in furniture and play features like a
connecting bridge over swings. Cost? A mere US$179,000. (Other models are somewhat cheaper.)... A delightful love story told in just 3 pictures!... According to the Recording Industry Association of America, "The Greatest Hits
1971 - 1975" by the Eagles is the best-selling album ever with 29 million copies sold. Michael Jackson's "Thriller" is 2nd, followed by "Led Zeppelin IV," Pink Floyd's "The Wall,"
and AC/DC's "Back in Black"... When is a mistake not a mistake? In language, the answer is “When it's in the dictionary.” The word internecine usually has the meaning “relating to internal struggle,” but in its first recorded English use in 1663, it meant
“fought to the death.” The Latin source of the word, internecīnus, meant “fought to the death, murderous” and comes from the verb necāre, “to kill.” The prefix
inter– was here used not in the usual sense “between, mutual” but rather as an intensifier meaning “all the way, to the death.” This was not known to Samuel Johnson, however, when
he was compiling his great dictionary in the 18th century. He misunderstood the prefix and defined the word as “endeavoring mutual destruction.” Johnson's dictionary was so
popular and authoritative that his error became adopted as correct usage.
The pagination
tattoo - the mark of the beast: Over the past several years, many publishers have
convinced themselves that breaking up stories into sometimes as many as 10 pages is an acceptable way to present content on the web. The realistic ones at least admit that it’s a
cheap way to boost stats. The disingenuous (or naive) ones actually posit that they are improving readability and usability for their audiences by reducing scrolling (after all,
scrolling is so difficult). If you could choose only one of the following — long term — which would you choose: a user who consistently generates 10 page views a day on your site
but spends only 5 minutes with you, or a user who literally stares slackjawed at the screen for 2 hours a day with your site running on it, but who generates only one page
view? Your accountants will always pick the former, but you should always pick the latter... Doctors fear people could be physically addicted to tanning. Some
frequent users of tanning beds received a regular endorphin hit, experiencing a high similar to
drugs like heroin. In a recent Wake Forest University study, frequent tanners were given a drug that blocked the pleasurable sensations that went along with the tanning-bed
experience. After their sessions, half of them suffered withdrawal symptoms. "I got nauseous and jittery, and just kind of felt sick to my stomach," said one. The
tanners in the study were also given the choice of two different beds: one had UV rays and the other didn't. Without knowing there was a difference, almost all the participants
eventually gravitated toward the UV bed.
“Terrafugia” loosely translates as
“Escape the Earth”. The Terrafugia Transition™ is a road-able aircraft in that can land at the airport, fold up
its wings, and drive on the road. It is for pilots - it is not intended for use by short-distance commuters, people running errands, or for any trip through city traffic or under
100 miles. Instead, if you travel 100 - 500 miles at a stretch, then the Transition may be for you. However, if you don't already have a pilot's license, you will need to
get one... Habitat 67, by Israeli architect Moshe Safdie, is located at 2600
Av Pierre-Dupuy, Quebec, Canada. It's like no other apartment complex you've ever seen. The project was designed to create affordable housing with close but private quarters,
each equipped with a garden. Ironically, the building's units are now quite expensive rather than "affordable" due to its architectural cachet... Chaoscope is downloadable freeware that runs under Windows. It helps you comprehend dynamic systems by rendering breathtaking
pictures of strange attractors. My favorite is les grands fonds.
Dubai, the United
Arab Emirates state known for wild architectural endeavours, is planning a "dynamic" skyscraper. The 68-story
building will literally spin with each individual floor independent of the others. (The central elevator core is fixed - and why they made the artist's rendering pink and purple,
I'm not quite sure.) The floors can be voice-controlled, daylight controlled, or just set to constant motion and can even generate power as they turn by using wind turbines, fitted
between the rotating floors... Good news for infidels in the UAE: the lash has now been banned as
a means of punishment - only Muslims may be whipped should they commit certain crimes "punishable by lashing under Sharia." Whipping guidelines are detailed: the whipper must hold
a qu'ran and not drop it; the whip must be free of metal and splinters. Lashing should not cause "excessive pain" and must be done all over the body to avoid damage or
marks. The whippee can't wear armour, but women can remain fully dressed. They also get to sit - which means the most naturally padded part of the body is out of
range. Pregnant women can't be lashed - they get to wait until 2 months after the child is born... A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods, grouped into data, information, concept, strategy, metaphor, and
compound visualizations via either process or structure... Imagine being able to record a smell and play it back later, just as you can with sounds or images. Engineers at
the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan are building an odour recorder capable of doing just
that. Simply point the gadget at a freshly baked cookie, for example, and it will analyse its odour and reproduce it using a host of non-toxic chemicals. The device could be
used to improve online shopping by allowing you to sniff foods or fragrances before you buy.
The Tax Foundation estimates that, based on an
8-hour workday, Americans as a whole work:
Time Worked per Day |
To Pay for: |
1 hour 43 minutes |
All federal taxes (income, sales, etc.) |
1 hour 22 minutes |
Housing and household operations |
1 hour 8 minutes |
Health and medical care |
52 minutes |
State and local taxes (income, sales, etc.) |
51 minutes |
“Other” taxes |
40 minutes |
Food |
39 minutes |
Transportation |
28 minutes |
Recreation |
17 minutes |
Clothing |
30 Apr '07 - Slightly over
half of all Americans – 52.6% – now receive significant income from government programs, according to an analysis by Gary Shilling, an economist in Springfield, New Jersey. About 1 in 5 Americans hold a government job or a
job reliant on federal spending. A similar number receive Social Security or a government pension. About 19 million others get food stamps, 2 million get subsidised
housing, and 5 million get education grants. For all these categories,
dependents were counted as well as the direct recipients of government income.
Personally, I would separate those who worked for wages from the rest. I
suppose this list includes elected politicians?... The Jung von Matt
agency in Hamburg, Germany has come up with an inventive ad program to make
people more aware of Colgate Smiles kid's toothbrushes. Would a dentist
with a funny mask put your child more at ease or scare him half to death?... Shakespeare's Hamlet in plain English
(just gives the main idea - don't use it as a credible source)
A novel aircraft seating layout described as a
“radical solution” to economy-class travel creates an additional column of seats by positioning passengers in opposite directions. Feel like staring complete strangers in the face
for hours? On the other hand, Micro Reactor System has unveiled its Flexible
Electronic Curtain, a window that turns from transparent to opaque when activated. Using liquid-crystal molecules between two sheets of plastic, the windows blind themselves
in any number of colours when turned on. My thought is that this blind can be pulled down between chairs and made opaque by the occupier of chair on either side as
desired. The attendant could override the opacity for meals, drinks and seat checks... Almost half of Britain's divorcing couples used a private investigator last year to
confirm, or deny, their suspicions about their spouse cheating on them says accountancy firm Grant Thornton... Russia plans to build the world's longest tunnel, a transport and
pipeline link under the Bering Strait to Alaska, as part of a $65 billion project to supply the US with oil, natural gas and electricity from Siberia. Tsar Nicholas II, Russia's
last emperor, was the first Russian leader to approve a plan for a tunnel under the Bering Strait, in 1905, 38 years after his grandfather sold Alaska to America for $7.2
million. The planned undersea tunnel would contain a high-speed railway,
highway and pipelines, as well as power and fiber-optic cables.
How does a waterspout form? First a circular white spot surrounded by an irregular dark area forms on
the water's surface. Next a pattern of light and dark bands spiral outwards. Then a dense, swirling ring of spray, called a cascade, appears around the dark spot and rises
toward the clouds. When it connects to the clouds, the waterspout begins to move with them. When the waterspout is mature, it can be several hundred feet high. It often
creates a visible wake and a wave train as it moves. The waterspout is a long-lasting discharge current between the water's surface and the clouds
Morgan Robertson's 1898 novella Futility had many parallels
with the RMS Titanic disaster; the book concerned a fictional state-of-the-art ocean liner called Titan, which (like the Titanic) eventually collides with an
iceberg on a calm April night whilst en route to New York. Many die because of the lack of lifeboats. Various other details in the book coincide with the actual
disaster. Later, she wrote a book, Beyond the Spectrum, that described a future war fought with aircraft that carried "sun bombs". Incredibly powerful, one bomb could
destroy a city, erupting in a flash of light that blinds all who look at it. The war begins in December, started by the Japanese with a sneak attack on Hawaii.
Fancy a 3-foot copper frog sculpture (with verdigris patina) for your garden? You select the pose and whether he is reading, playing an
instrument, or just looks ready to talk. Human-sized frogs are also available... I would like to say something about insurance. My husband has an excellent family
policy through his employer that even covers dental and eyeglasses. The cost (his part and what his employer pays as well) is something like $200/month. There are four of
us - but recently my older son became too old to remain covered. The same insurance company offered him a comparable policy for US$1,200 per month. Their cheapest, most
basic high-deductible coverage was $800 per month - this despite the fact that he is 25, in excellent health, does not drink or smoke, doesn't even drive a vehicle and has made no claims
for the past 6 years except for required immunizations for university. I can now begin to understand the problem people have paying for decent insurance if they don't have a great
group plan through their employer. Something is so very not right about this. Then this morning I got a call from a telemarketer offering me medical and dental coverage for
the whole family for a mere $100 per month. At least I now know enough not to believe her... When the temperature outside gets above 60°F,
gasoline at the pump expands, and you get less of it. Gasoline expands roughly 3 times faster than water.
An investigation by the Kansas City Star newspaper found
that American drivers may overpay $2.3 billion a year, with drivers in warm states like California hit the hardest. If you want to avoid "losing" fuel in your tank, fill up
overnight or early in the morning before it gets hot. Or fill up if it's below 60° — you may actually get a little extra fuel for your money.
Blood puddle pillows are made of
red velvet - quite comfortable for a brief rest in front of your computer during an overnighter - just make sure you warn your roommate... Studies say that up to 40,000 surgery
patients a year are left awake but paralyzed during surgery... Roughly 1.5 million Americans suffer a traumatic brain injury each year. About 50,000 die and another 80,000
are permanently disabled. About 30% of patients with brain injuries are hypothermic upon arrival at the hospital, often because of cold weather, intoxication, small body type, or
cold intravenous fluids that have been administered by paramedics at the accident site. Results of the first National Acute Brain Injury Study, Hypothermia I, found that in
patients aged 16 - 45, maintaining hypothermia after a severe head injury led to improved
outcome. 48% of patients who were kept cold for a period of time had a good outcome and were able to live independently. By contrast, only 24% of the hypothermic patients who
were re-warmed had a significant recovery... Energy Generation And Storage system (EGAS) is a power generator capable of being
used in an unventilated home or apartment. It produces no emissions because it uses not combustible fuel but leg muscle power to charge a spring system that slowly unwinds and
spins a high efficiency generator delivering 400W - 1000W of power; 5 minutes of effort produces 30 minutes of useable power. EGAS is useful in emergency situations. It
allows for continuous output while being recharged - useful on boats and for lights, laptops, cell phones and more. About the size of a small suitcase, it weighs about 40 pounds.
Ten handbags a real man wouldn't mind briefly carrying for a woman (of course, the #1 choice is one that looks like a football but my
favorite reminds me of Alfredo Garcia)... "At the abstract level, technology, particularly of the Western variety, deprives us of the possibility to make ethical decisions about
how we conduct our lives, because the victims are so remote that they become transparent. It starts with buying meat in the supermarket and proceeds to advanced war
technologies. In both those cases, you don't see the victim. There is something inbuilt in the conception of Western consumerism and progress to make it possible for us not
to know the price the Other pays for our way of life." - Oron Catts, artist in residence at the School of Anatomy and Human Biology at the University of Western Australia in
Perth... Nora, the
piano-playing cat and sequel... In the first two years of an intimate relationship lust is the overwhelming
emotion. This morphs into the equally important and enjoyable stage of acceptance — now sometimes called nesting — in which sex and parties are of secondary importance; shared
interests and setting and attaining goals cements the relationship together. After 7 - 9 years, the nature of the relationship changes again and becomes based on a close
friendship. Changes in functional MRI brain scans can now document each of these stages... Assistant District Attorney Bill Hawkins, chief of the juvenile division that
prosecutes offenders age 10 to 16 in Harris County, Texas (where Houston is located) publicly stated in a 13 April 2007 Houston Chronicle article entitled "Violence against
Guardians an 'Alarming Trend'" (written by Paige Hewitt) that "Parenting is an ugly job..." Oh? One only hopes Hawkins does not himself have children.
obelisk seems to be a great idea - it cleverly unfolds to reveal a waterproof table and 4 chairs. The real problem is the
price tag - just under US$10,000... During the past 30 years, the number of male births has
decreased each year in the US and Japan, but researchers are not exactly sure why. A study in the online edition of Environmental Health Perspectives reports an overall
decline of 17 males per 10,000 births in the US and a decline of 37 males per 10,000 births in Japan since 1970. There are many possible
causes... Girl on phone: "Mommy, my nose is pierced, I'm marrying a girl, I'm in love with a
gay boy, and I'm pregnant. One of these is false. Goodbye"... The 3rd man in history to ever
walk on water... Shredding books can be art? Please. It's actually "changing
common objects into sculptures in a state of flux"... The world's most
livable cities - Auckland is tied for 5th and Wellington is 12th but I think that's wrong. They should be 2nd and 1st respectively... A clever example of rather
inventive marketing... Take a good look at Saturn's moon Iapetus and
it has a few striking features that set it apart from every other object in the solar system. For one thing, it seems to have two faces: one white, like freshly fallen snow, and
the other dark like volcanic rock. But even stranger, Iapetus has a seam - right at the equator, and going halfway around the planet, it's probably 20 km (12 miles) high - as if
the moon were cut in half and then smashed back together. Some good pictures and a few theories here... Women who consume animal products, specifically dairy, are 5 times more likely
to have twins than those who do not, a new study finds. "The continuing increase in the twinning rate into the 1990's may be a consequence of the introduction of growth-hormone
treatment of cows to enhance their milk and beef production," said study leader Gary Steinman of the Long Island Jewish Medical Center... Real estate photos worth more than 1,000 words: the first photo in the series is decent shot
of a room or dwelling - but the second "reframing" photo of each group is so much better, it leaves the viewer thinking, "Now why didn't I think of that?"
The importance of information is directly proportional to its improbability.
- Jerry Pournelle

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