Beautiful from All Directions


From Mt Vic

To me, truth is not some vague, foggy notion.  Truth is real.  And, at the same time, unreal.
Fiction and fact and everything in between, plus some things I can't remember, all rolled into one big "thing".  This is truth, to me.

- Weird Wellington Happenings and Links

Source: Wellington's Waterfront...a Progress Report December 2000; I don't know who the photographer was.

Do all cities look prettier after dark?

This Isn't Taken from Mt Vic, but It's Still Nice...


Chaffers Marina

We lived aboard our boat for several years (at the end of the pier).  Though I am glad not to have the headaches and expense of keeping a large boat, hardly a day goes by that something doesn't remind me - and I miss her...

Source: for photo is Pictorial Publications, P O Box 558, Hastings

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