There is no “there” there. We impose structure on everything as order and narrative so that we can understand it.
Otherwise, there’d be nothing but chaos.

—  Julianne Moore

A Random Post

Feb. 13, 2015



I'm So Random

I’m So Random

“In retrospect, it’s weird that as a kid I thought completely random outbursts made me seem interesting,
given that from an information theory point of view, lexical white noise is just about the opposite of interesting — by definition.”XKCD

R andomness is important to the average person in ways not often considered (like gambling, statistics, data compression, detecting network anomalies, biology, data security, religion, and unbiased selection).  Ideas about randomness and chance are pervasive throughout our culture and modern way of life.  But whether the universe is actually random or not remains a mystery.


What Is Randomness?

One Can Never Be Sure …

One Can Never Be Sure …

Randomness is distinct from chance in that randomness is defined by a lack of pattern, while chance refers simply to the likelihood of a single outcome.  Flipping a coin a hundred times will show a random collection of results — while the chance of each individual coin flip coming up heads or tails is 50/50 (assuming a fair and balanced coin).  Randomness requires the existence a sequence in which no pattern can be found.

While random events are individually unpredictable, the frequency of different outcomes over a large number of events (or “trials”) can be somewhat predictable — for example, when throwing two dice and counting the total, a sum of 7 will randomly occur approximately twice as often as 4, but the outcome of any particular roll of the dice pair is unpredictable.

Curiously, at any step in a sequence of coin flips, you’ll have either an excess of heads overall, an excess of tails, or have exactly 50% of each.  If you’ve observed more heads than tails, how likely is it that the number of tails will “catch up” so that you then have as many tails as heads (or more)?  From the fact that the observed proportion of heads gets closer and closer to 0.5 as more flips are done, it might seem that an excess of heads (or tails) will not last long.  In fact, the opposite is true.  As the number of flips increases, an excess tends to persist.  From a gambler’s point of view, the fact that he’s losing means he’ll almost certainly never catch up — even in a fair game with the odds of winning each hand at 50%.  The longer the game goes on, the less chance the gambler has of ever breaking even.  Maybe he should just accept this and cut his losses?

Ayn Rand[om]

Ayn Rand[om]

In a cavern deep below the Earth, Ayn Rand, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, Ann Druyan, Paul Rudd, Alan Alda, and Duran Duran meet together in the Secret Council of /(\b[plurandy]+\b ?){2}/i.  The joke is an attack on Ayn Rand’s philosophy, which claims to be a completely fair mechanism for distributing resources, but (arguably) inherently favours those who start out with more resources, or are already in a position to acquire the resources.  It also, again arguably, has a strong overarching theme that people that believe in objectivism are inherently better than other people, and thus deserve what extra resources they can get — as with the Ayn Random Number Generator, which claims to be completely fair and balanced, but actually favours some numbers.



Can the Universe Be Deterministic?

Random things can’t be predicted; deterministic things theoretically can be, although it’s usually impractical to do so.  A roulette wheel is a simple machine, but that doesn’t mean we can fully predict the next winning number (assuming it’s a fair machine), no matter how many past rolls we’ve seen.  Yet the roulette wheel is deterministic.  The outcome we get is a surprise, but if we could rewind the tape of time and re-experience that play again and again, we’d always see the same outcome.  True randomness — if it exists — would have a different outcome every time you repeat the performance.

A fully random system is always uncertain.  On the other hand, a fully-deterministic system would have NO uncertainty (if you’ve received and interpreted all necessary data).  If everything is predetermined, then the future holds no further information than the present does (with perfect knowledge of the present, however).

But can anything in reality be fully deterministic?  If it were, could we tell?

Don't Talk about It Again

Don’t Talk about It Again

Nothing is really in our power but our will — it is on the will that all the rules and duties of Man are based and established.

— Michel de Montaigne, 1572

To prove that the universe is deterministic, we would need to take a nominally random source, and be able to predict it, meaning it wasn’t really truly random.  But we have many sources of randomness which we cannot, even in theory, predict.  Subjectively, therefore, we have sources of true randomness, and thus we can conclude that we live in a non-deterministic universe.  And while you might say “well, we can’t prove that it isn’t secretly deterministic”, it would only be deterministic to an observer outside the universe — that is, a god.  In fact, one working definition of a god would be “a being capable of predicting the outcome of sources of true randomness”.


So the Universe Is Random?

When a person has incomplete knowledge of a system then chance is involved.  At any level, the difference between a deterministic system and a completely random one depends on the observer.  This is how randomness is utilised in most encryption protocols: a string (of numbers) is chosen at random, which is then used to encrypt messages in a non-random way.  The random numbers have been determined for the client and host but remain random and un-guessable for an outside observer — so messages remains private and can’t be decoded.

In 1932 in Mein Glaubensbekenntnis (loosely translated as My Beliefs), Albert Einstein wrote “I do not believe in freedom of will.  Schopenhauer’s words, 'Man can indeed do what he wants, but he cannot want what he wants’, accompany me in all life situations and console me in my dealings with people, even those that are really painful to me.  This recognition of the unfreedom of the will protects me from taking myself and my fellow men too seriously as acting and judging individuals and [thereby] losing [my] good humour.”  Einstein was not happy with the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics.  The Copenhagen interpretation says that when a photon is headed towards two slits, there’s no deterministic way to know which of the two it will pass through.  Einstein and many others were uncomfortable with this, feeling there were hidden variables that would reveal in advance through which slit the photon would go.  His feeling was that even though we might not be able to discern these variables, their presence made the question deterministic.  But John Bell came up with a theorem that allows physicists to actually test for the presence of hidden variables, and the results that have come in over the years pretty much put to rest the notion that the universe can be completely deterministic.

Like a random number generator spitting out numbers, our future could be anything.  At the point where the number is generated — or the future becomes the past — reality now holds only that possibility and no other.  The most randomly generated string of numbers in the world becomes set in stone as soon as the string is generated, but is completely unknowable until that happens (and likewise so is our future).


Oh, many a shaft at random sent
Finds mark the archer little meant!
And many a word at random spoken
May soothe, or wound, a heart that’s broken!

— Sir Walter Scott, Lord of the Isles

Random Words

Random Words


The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance.

— Robert R Coveyou

Random numbers should not be generated with a method chosen at random.

— Donald Knuth

Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin.

— John von Neumann



How Are We Affected?

Chemistry Is in Charge?

Chemistry Is in Charge?


While many random samples try to use random numbers, they don’t have to.  For example, if you’re pretty sure that the final digit of someone’s minute of birth is not correlated with their family income, you can draw a random sample of people’s incomes by choosing those whose birth minute ends in a 7.  That process of choice isn’t at all random, but it’s effective. Or you may want to use random numbers to decide whether to include a given individual in a sample; to that end, large tables of pseudo-random digits have been produced, displaying no discernible order or pattern.

In mathematics, one of the things that algorithmic information theory studies is what constitutes a random sequence.  The central idea is that a string of bits is random if and only if it’s shorter than any computer programme that can produce that string — this is called Kolmogorov randomness.  Simplified, it means that random strings are those that can’t be compressed.  A random sequence is one such that the shortest algorithm which produces it is approximately the same length as the sequence itself and no greater compression in the algorithm can be attained.  Randomness and information are coupled.  Soviet mathematician Andrey Kolmogorov defined several functions that data possess, including complexity, randomness, and information.

Part of the Mandelbrot Set Fractal

Part of the Mandelbrot Set Fractal

Simply storing the 24-bit colour of each pixel in this image would require 1.62 million bits, but a small computer programme can reproduce these 1.62 million bits using the definition of this Mandelbrot set and the coordinates of the corners of the image.  Thus, the Kolmogorov complexity of the raw file encoding this bitmap is much less than 1.62 million bits.

Kolmogorov defines randomness as stuff you can’t compress.  Information can also be defined in that way.  If you know the first 100 pages of a book, you might ask “How well can I predict what the next page contains?”  If your answer is 100% accurate, then is a 101st page even needed?  Conversely, if you have 0% ability to predict any content of the 101st page, then it apparently will contain a lot of information.  Or alternatively, you might say it is random.  Compression is the process of removing the bits you can predict, and leaving the bits you can’t (including the bits you need in order to predict the ones you’ve removed).

For example, consider the following two strings of 32 lowercase letters and digits:



The first string has a short English-language description, namely “ab 16 times”, which consists of 11 characters.  The second one has no obvious simple description (using the same character set) other than writing down the string itself, which has 32 characters.  More formally, the complexity of a string is the length of the shortest possible description of the string in some fixed universal description language.  The Kolmogorov complexity of any string can’t be more than a few bytes larger than the length of the string itself.  Strings like the abab example above, whose Kolmogorov complexity is small relative to the string’s size, are not considered to be complex.  Kolmogorov complexity is related to the entropy of the information source.  Generally, “entropy” stands for disorder or uncertainty.  The idea here is that the less likely an event is, the more information it provides when it does occur.  This view of entropy was introduced by Claude Shannon in his 1948 paper “A Mathematical Theory of Communication”, so information entropy is also called Shannon entropy to distinguish it from its use in physics.  Shannon entropy measures are used today in network anomaly detection.

Whenever you move from an average measure to a precise measure, you reduce uncertainty.  To see how uncertainty can relate to a binary code, think about a game of 20 questions.  If the object of the game is to guess a number between 1 and 100, and Player One asks if the number is larger than 50, an answer from Player Two (no matter if it is yes or no) reduces Player One’s uncertainty by 1/2.  Before asking the question, Player One had 100 possible choices.  After asking that single yes or no question, Player One either knows that the number is greater than 50 or that it is less than 50.  One of the things Shannon demonstrated in his 1948 paper was that the entropy of a system is represented by the logarithm of possible combinations of states in that system — which is the same as the number of yes-or-no questions that have to be asked to locate one individual case.  Entropy, as redefined by Shannon, is the same as the number of binary decisions necessary to identify a specific sequence of symbols.  Taken together, these binary decisions, like answers in the 20 questions game, constitute a definite amount of information about the system.  Entropy is a measure of the relationship between complexity and certainty.

2 Bits of Entropy

2 Bits of Entropy

Information entropy (in bits) is the log-base-2 of the number of possible outcomes.
With 2 coins there are 4 outcomes HH-HT-TH-TT, so the entropy is 2 bits.

According to the Wikipedia page on algorithmic information theory, “a 3,000 page encyclopaedia actually contains less information than 3,000 pages of completely random letters”.  While true based on a narrow definition of information, it’s quite false based on the definition used by classical information theory (not to mention any dictionary you care to name).  Or common sense.  Kolmogorov is intriguing, but he isn’t the whole story.

Suppose we encounter a novel phenomenon, and attempt to formulate a theory of it.  All we have to begin with is the data concerning what we observe.  If that data is highly regular and patterned, we may attempt to give a deterministic theory of the phenomenon.  But if the data is irregular and disorderly — random — we may offer only a stochastic theory (a guess).  We can’t rely on knowing whether the phenomenon is chancy in advance of developing a theory of it, so it’s extremely important to be able to characterise whether data is random or not.  We might think that we could simply do this by examination — surely the lack of pattern will be apparent to an observer?  (Patternlessness is randomness, by definition.)  Yet psychological research has repeatedly shown that humans are poor at discerning patterns, seeing them in completely random data, and (for precisely the same reason) failing to see them in non-random data.  So the need for an objective account of the randomness of a sequence of outcomes is necessary for reliable scientific inference.  Fortunately, the theory of algorithmic randomness, completed in the early 1970s, shows that a satisfactory characterisation of the randomness of a sequence of outcomes is possible.

An algorithmically random sequence (or random sequence) is an infinite sequence of binary digits that appears random to any algorithm.  As different types of algorithms are sometimes considered, there are different notions of randomness including stronger and weaker forms.  The first suitable definition of a random sequence was given by Per Martin-Löf in 1966.  He said that random sequences are incompressible, pass statistical tests for randomness, and are difficult to make money betting on.

Net It Out

Net It Out

Roughly speaking, the Kolmogorov complexity of a string (of bits, words, symbols, and so forth) is the shortest description that allows an accurate reconstruction — or, in some variants, the length of the smallest programme which will output the original string. Cueball’s method of giving directions is very reminiscent of Kolmogorov’s method of determining complexity. These directions may have minimal Kolmogorov complexity, but they are non-intuitive and are likely not the shortest or quickest way to get there considering that they consist mostly of left turns. The joke is that Cueball just sent his friend to a GPS store to buy a device to give him the correct directions. (His friend gets really grumpy when he realises this.)


When it comes to arranging molecules, living organisms seem to have a great deal of information about how to take elementary substances and turn them into complex compounds.  Somehow, living cells manage to take the hodgepodge of molecules found in their environment and arrange them into the substances necessary for sustaining life.  From a disorderly environment, life somehow creates internal order.  How?  The answer, as we now know, is to be found in the way the DNA molecule arranges its elements — doing so in such a way that the processes necessary for metabolism and reproduction are encoded.  The “negative entropy” that Schrodinger says is the nourishment of all life is information, and Claude Shannon’s information theories show exactly how such coding can be done — in molecules, messages, or in switching networks.

In biology, randomness is important if an animal needs to behave in a way that is unpredictable by others.  For instance, insects in flight tend to move about with random changes in direction, making it difficult for pursuing predators to predict their trajectories.  It’s also useful when any population needs to spread out over an area.  Any deterministic spreading technique will result in clumps; if every mouse turns left at the rocks, you’ll end up with too many mice in some spots and not enough in others.  A random response to the rocks will result in a more even distribution.

Manipulated by Robots

Manipulated by Robots


According to several views of quantum mechanics, microscopic phenomena are objectively random — that is, even in an experiment that controls all causally relevant parameters, some aspects of the outcome will still vary randomly.  To illustrate, if you place a single unstable atom in a controlled environment, you can’t predict how long it will take for the atom to decay, only the probability that it will do so in a given time frame.  (Hidden variable theories reject the idea that nature — presumably including human nature — contains irreducible randomness, instead positing that properties are at work behind the scenes, determining the outcome in each case — but since these variables are unable to be determined, the theories aren’t useful.)

Data Security

Good random numbers are fundamental to almost all secure computer systems.  Without them everything from Second World War ciphers like Lorenz to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) your browser uses to secure web traffic are in serious trouble.  Which is why you may read about randomness in the news from time to time.  Computers are inherently deterministic machines, patiently processing data in a sequential and orderly fashion.  Randomness is hard to extract from such a logical, predictable system, and some of the greatest data-security blunders and gaffes of history have centred around a clever individual finding out that “random” numbers were, in reality, anything but.


We can make simple decisions in our lives.  Therefore, there is some degree of (apparent) randomness where humans are concerned because we often don’t understand ourselves, so we can’t accurately predict our impact on our surroundings and the part we’ll play in the immediate future.  Isn’t that best?  If we knew the future, there’d be no need to live it because there’d be no new information to be had there.  We need a level of randomness.  Hence Lotto.  Tourism.  Online dating.

He’s the Prime Regulator

He’s the Prime Regulator


Randomness can be seen as conflicting with the deterministic ideas of some religions, such as those where the universe is created by an omniscient deity who is aware of all past, present, and future events.  If the universe is regarded to have a purpose, then randomness can be seen as impossible.  This is one of the rationales for religious opposition to evolution.  Hindu and Buddhist philosophies state that any event is the result of previous events (as reflected in the concept of karma) and as such, there’s no such thing as a random event or a first event.

Unbiased Selection

Throughout history, randomness has been used for games of chance and to select individuals for an unwanted task in a fair way (for example, drawing straws).  Random selection is a method of selecting items (often called units) from a population where the probability of choosing a specific item is the proportion of those items in the population.  For example, if we have a bowl of 100 marbles with 10 red (and any red marble is indistinguishable from any other red marble) and 90 blue (and any blue marble is indistinguishable from any other blue marble), a random selection mechanism would choose a red marble with probability 1 in 10.  (Note that a random selection mechanism that selected 10 marbles from the bowl wouldn’t necessarily result in 1 red and 9 blue.)

Ex Specimen Totum Iudicatur (From a Sample We Judge the Whole)

Ex Specimen Totum Iudicatur (From a Sample We Judge the Whole)

  • There are many methods used to choose the people who’ll serve on a jury, but the jury pool is generally always selected from among the community using a reasonably random method.
  • Many investors would be better off picking stocks to invest in randomly rather than trying to ascertain winners themselves (cognitive biases skew our ability to pick stocks, presidents, mates, and the like).  Random choices may have better outcomes — but not always.  In the 1960s Claude Shannon became interested in the stock market as a real-world experiment in probability theory, He didn’t start with much money but he made an amazing return over time.  Over almost 3 decades he racked up an annual return of 28%.  Some might think he had a complex system but his approach could hardly have been simpler — he bought and held.  His 3 largest positions made up 98% of his portfolio with nearly 80% of that being a single stock that he bought for $.88 a share.  By 1986, each share was worth $300.  But Shannon also happened to be a director of that company — Teledyne — so his decision of which stock to purchase wasn’t random.
  • Being thought unpredictable can be a help during contract negotiations — if you’re thought to be very rational, your opponent may try harder to push you right up to your limit.  But if he sees you as irrational — random — why bother?
  • Modern democracies select their leaders by voting, but a consistent theme has always been selection by randomness.  This is called sortition.  In a famous quote, William F Buckley once said “I’d rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University” — in other words, he thought a random selection would be better.  One example of the way that might work: rather than having a single, generalist legislature such as the US Congress, the legislative function would be fulfilled by many single-issue legislatures (citizen panels), each focussing on one primary area.  People wouldn’t be absolutely required to serve if selected, but there’d be a financial incentive for them to do so.  Each single-issue legislature could consist of 2-3 hundred people, each chosen for a 3-year term (staggered so that each year 1/3 of new people would begin as 1/3 of the veteran legislators finished).  All adult citizens would be eligible and serving should be seen as a significant civic duty.  In a normal year-long session, each panel would develop an agenda of the issue or two they’d work on that session, hear from experts, gather community input, and then vote.  (In reality, many would draw their paycheques while accomplishing little or nothing.  But more are picked to serve than strictly necessary.)  Compared to a voting system — even one open to all adult citizens — a citizen-wide lottery scheme for public office would lower the threshold to office because ordinary citizens needn’t compete against powerful or influential adversaries in order to be elected.  Random selection overcomes demographic biases in race, religion, sex, and so forth that are apparent in most legislative assemblies.  Sortition breaks up factions, dilutes power, and gives positions to such disparate people that they all keep an eye on each other.  Power doesn’t only go to those who badly want it; it also solves the problem of voter fatigue.  However, the enthusiasm and capability of those selected at random remains a matter of chance.




Our Lives Are a Mixed Blessing

Our Lives Are a Mixed Blessing

Randomness serves two main roles in our modern-day society:

  1. It allows us to determine chance through the use of statistics and random sampling, on both a micro and macro level.
  2. It allows us to create secrets at will — something we know that no one else knows, because we made it up on the spot using a method that no one else will use.  We can then apply those secrets to cryptography and decision-making in an unpredictable way.

Does “true randomness” exist?  We can’t say for sure.  The difference between a “true” random number generator (pulling a number from nothingness every few milliseconds) and a “fake” (or pseudo) random number generator (grabbing the next number from some great Excel spreadsheet the size of the Andromeda Galaxy) is… well, there’s no difference at all until we know there is one.  If we can never predict what the next column of the spreadsheet is, then for our purposes, it’s random.

So this means that until and unless we can predict literally every single thing that will ever happen with complete and perfect accuracy, we can’t disprove the assertion that we live in a non-deterministic universe.  Given such an excessively specific, difficult, and unlikely method for proving — or indeed, seeing any indication whatsoever — that the universe is pre-determined, we’d be better served simply assuming that the future is unknown, and that all randomness is truly random unless we have reason to believe otherwise.

The time we’d normally spend wondering about it, we can instead use to talk to our friends or order something nice for ourselves online, safe in the knowledge that our randomly generated encryption keys keep our communications private and secure.  The only way our data will ever be seen by anyone but the intended recipient is if we’re randomly selected for a statistical model to help the online provider we’re using deliver better services.

Helpful stuff, randomness.

The fault, Dear Reader, is not in my stars, But in myself, that I am an Underling

The fault, Dear Reader, is not in my stars, But in myself, that I am an Underling

A group of philosophers were arguing over determinism and free will, and split into two camps.  One person couldn’t decide at first.
At long last, he decided he favoured determinism and went to their camp; they asked why and he said, “I came of my own free will” so they banished him to the free willers.
When he arrived at the free will camp, they asked why he had decided to join them, and he said, “I didn’t decide — I was sent over here” so they kicked him out, too.



Like Clockwork

Like Clockwork

Like It Matters

Like It Matters

Like You Really Can

Like You Really Can

“Algorithmically random sequence” from Wikipedia, last accessed 7 February 2015,

“The Best Investors Never Attempt to Balance Their Portfolios” by Chris Meyer, Penny Sleuth, 21 February 2008,

“Chance versus Randomness” from the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, last accessed 30 January 2015,

“Entropy (information theory)” from Wikipedia, last accessed 6 February 2015,

“Explain XKCD Wiki”, last accessed 6 February 2015,

“Facticity and Transcendency” by James Betts, Diaries of an Existentialist, 4 January 2012, accessed 1 February 2015,

“A False Dichotomy” by Edward Welbourne (Eddy), Free Will vs Pre-destination, last accessed 1 February 2015,

“Free Will” by Geir Isene, Geir Isene Uncut, last accessed 1 February 2015,

“History of Randomness Definitions” from Stephen Wolfram’s A New Kind of Science | Online, last accessed 30 January 2015,

“Inside Information” by Howard Rheingold, Tools for Thought, April 2000,

“Introduction to Randomness and Random Numbers” by Dr Mads Haahr,,

“Is Free Will Real?  Better Believe It (Even If It’s Not)” by David Rock, Psychology Today, 24 May 2010, last accessed 1 February 2015,

“Kolmogorov complexity” from Wikipedia, last accessed 6 February 2015,

“The Lottocracy” by Alexander Guerrero, aeon, 23 January 2014,

“Noisy-channel coding theorem” from Wikipedia, last accessed 2 February 2015,

“Philosophy: Free Will vs Determinism” by Geoff Haselhurst, On Truth & Reality, last accessed 30 January 2015,

“Randomness” from Wikipedia, last accessed 28 January 2015,

“Sortition” from Wikipedia, last accessed 7 February 2015,

“The (f)Utility of Free Will” by David Zahl, Mockingbird, published 9 September 2010, accessed 1 February 2015,

Need Help?

The Distillery

Sky Watch

The Solar System in Perspective

The Solar System in Perspective

Unusual Cosmic Radio Burst

Unusual Cosmic Radio Burst

Different Kinds of Stars

Different Kinds of Stars
Maud, Texas, USA

Maud, Texas, USA

Chaparral, New Mexico, USA

Chaparral, New Mexico, USA

Eastern Nebraska, USA

Eastern Nebraska, USA

  • This is an artistic view of the solar system showing the relative sizes of the planets against the sun.
  • A gigantic but fleeting burst of radio waves has been caught in the act for the first time, helping narrow down the vast array of things that might cause them.  They last about a millisecond but give off as much energy as our sun in a day, seemingly in a tight band.  The source is a mystery, but whatever causes them must be huge, cataclysmic, and up to 5.5 billion light years away.  A top contender is the collapse of an oversized neutron star that should’ave given way to a black hole long ago, but it’s spinning too fast.  Anther possibility is that it’s a flare from a magnetar (an extremely magnetic neutron star).  A total of 9 bursts have been reported since the first was discovered in 2007, but all of them were found weeks or years after the actual event by sifting through old data.  This source was near the constellation Aquarius.  The waves appear to be circularly polarised rather than linearly polarised, which means they vibrate in two planes, rather than one — something nobody’s ever measured before.
  • The Capitalist Network That Runs the World: This image represents the 1,318 transnational corporations that form the core of the world economy.  Superconnected companies are red, very connected companies are yellow.  The size of the dot represents revenue.  An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power.  The study, by a trio of complex systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, is the first to go beyond ideology to empirically identify power networks.  Although they represented 20% of global operating revenues, the 1,318 corporations appear to collectively own through their shares the majority of the world’s large blue chip and manufacturing firms — the “real” economy — representing a further 60% of global revenue, much of it owned by a “super-entity” of 147 tightly-knit companies.  In effect, less than 1% of the companies control 40% of the entire network, most of them financial institutions.  The top 20 include Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Company, and The Goldman Sachs Group.  Such networks are unstable.  We may need global anti-trust rules, which now exist only at national level, to limit such over-connection.
  • Self-taught photographer Mikko Lagerstedt often finds himself camped next to his tripod, waiting hours for an exposure of a frozen coastal scene or dark, brooding forest.  This is Meri-Pori, Finland, 2014.
  • Many of his images are composites of two photos taken from the same location, a shorter exposure of the sky merged with a significantly longer exposure of the ground, which he then manipulates in Lightroom.  This is Porvoo, Finland, 2014.
  • Lagerstedt is extremely open about his process, sharing on his website tutorials and blog posts about how he works.  You can also follow him on Instagram.
  • This thunderstorm exists in an environment with no winds to shear the storm or to blow the anvil in any one direction.  This was taken in Maud, Texas looking east toward the storm located in Arkansas.
  • During the late afternoon and early evening of 3 April 2004 this supercell thunderstorm dropped 2-inch-diameter hail over Chaparral, New Mexico, causing widespread damage.
  • The setting sun illuminates the top of a classic anvil-shaped thunderstorm cloud in eastern Nebraska, USA.

Modern Science

Consciousness On-Off Switch Discovered

Consciousness On-Off Switch Discovered

New Clock Redefines Time

New Clock Redefines Time

Quantum Physics Uncomplicates Itself

Quantum Physics Uncomplicates Itself

  • Zapping an area deep in our brains turns off consciousness, suggesting this is where perceptions are bound together into a cohesive experience.  Scientists have been probing individual regions of the brain for over a century, exploring function by zapping with electricity, temporarily putting them out of action.  Despite this, they’ve never been able to turn off consciousness – until now.  Although only tested in one person, the discovery suggests a single area – the claustrum (a thin, sheet-like structure hidden deep inside the brain) — might be integral to combining disparate brain activity into a seamless package of thoughts, sensations, and emotions.  Just days before he died in July 2004, neuroscientist Francis Crick was working on a paper suggesting our consciousness needs something akin to an orchestra conductor to bind different external and internal perceptions together.  This conductor would need to rapidly integrate information across distinct regions of the brain and bind together information arriving at different times.  For example, the smell and colour of a rose, its name, and a memory of its relevance can be bound into one conscious experience of being handed a rose on Valentine’s day.  Loss of consciousness is associated with increased synchrony of electrical activity, or brainwaves, in the frontal and parietal regions of the brain that participate in conscious awareness.  Too much synchronisation seems to be bad because then the brain can’t distinguish one aspect from another, thus stopping a cohesive experience from emerging.  Since similar brainwaves occur during an epileptic seizure, low-frequency stimulation of the claustrum could jolt brains back to normal and may even be worth trying for people in minimally conscious states, perhaps helping to push them back into consciousness.
  • Maybe because we don’t understand time, we keep trying to measure it more accurately.  But the desire to pin down the elusive ticking of the clock may soon be the undoing of time as we know it: The next generation of clocks won’t tell time in a way that most people understand.  At the heart of the new clock is the element strontium.  Inside a small chamber, the strontium atoms are suspended in a lattice of crisscrossing laser beams.  Researchers give them a little ping, like ringing a bell and the strontium vibrates at an incredibly fast frequency becoming a natural atomic metronome ticking out teeny, teeny fractions of a second.  This new clock can keep perfect time for 5 billion years.  But it’s run into a big problem: the thing we call time doesn’t tick at the same rate everywhere in the universe — or even on our planet.  On the top of Mount Everest, time passes just a little bit faster than in Death Valley.  That’s because the speed at which time passes depends on the strength of gravity.  If you take a clock off the floor and hang it on the wall, time for the clock speeds up by a minuscule amount.  This isn’t some effect of gravity on the clock’s machinery — time itself is flowing more quickly on the wall than on the floor.  The world’s current time is coordinated between atomic clocks all over the planet, but that can’t happen with this new clock.  The only way to keep time in the future may be to send these clocks into space — far from the earth’s surface, they’d be better able to stay in synch.
  • The “wave-particle duality” is simply the quantum uncertainty principle in disguise, reducing two mysteries to one.  Wave-particle duality is the idea that a quantum object can behave like a wave, but the wave behaviour disappears when you locate the object.  It’s most simply seen in a double slit experiment, where single particles are fired one by one at a screen containing two narrow slits.  The particles pile up behind the slits not in two heaps as classical objects would, but in a striped pattern like you’d expect for waves interfering with each other.  At least this is what happens until you sneak a look at which slit a particle goes through — do that and the interference pattern vanishes.  The quantum uncertainty principle is the idea that it’s impossible to know certain pairs of things about a quantum particle at once.  For example, the more precisely you know the position of an atom, the less precisely you can know the speed with which it’s moving.  It’s a limit on the fundamental knowability of nature, not a statement on measurement skill.  This new work shows that how much you can learn about the wave-versus-the-particle behaviour of a system is constrained in exactly the same way.

Unusual Fauna

Giant Killer Hornets

Giant Killer Hornets

Hiding from Andrew

Hiding from Andrew

Soul of the Desert

Soul of the Desert
The Spark of Life

The Spark of Life

Basket Star

Basket Star



  • Vespa mandarinia is the world’s largest hornet, about the size of a human adult’s thumb, yellow and black in colour and highly venomous.  Its 6-millimetre-long stingers carry a venom potent enough to dissolve human tissue.  Victims may die of kidney failure or anaphylactic shock.  These hornets are found in northwest China’s Shaanxi province.  They don’t typically attack unless they feel their nest is threatened, but when they do, they can be fierce and fast – flying at 25 miles per hour — and the more you try to run, the more they chase you.  They make their homes in tree stumps or underground so their nests are extremely difficult to detect.  The region has also been overrun by the Asian hornet, Vespa velutina, a slightly smaller species, but equally dangerous.  Hundreds, even thousands, of hornets inhabit a nest, which typically hangs from a high place.  Two other cities in Shaanxi (Hanzhong and Shangluo) are also being besieged by hornets, though death tolls there are lower.  Fears are growing in Britain that the giant Asian hornets are headed their way — the species is 4 times the size of native honeybees and has already decimated the bee population in France where they are thought to have arrived in a delivery of Chinese pottery in late 2004.  These insects have colonised huge swathes of French waterways.  With a few hornets capable of destroying 30,000 bees in a couple of hours, honey production has plummeted.
  • Flamingoes huddle in the bathroom of the Miami-Metro Zoo as Hurricane Floyd approaches in 1992.  The staff at the zoo waited till the very last minute to move the flamingos because it’s stressful for the birds — when frightened and struggling they can easily break a leg.  Staff wanted to be as certain as possible that the storm was actually going to hit.  All the flamingos in the bathroom survived unharmed, but the zoo’s aviary folded like a house of cards killing almost 100 birds.
  • The fennec (Vulpes zerda) is a surprisingly easy-to-domesticate animal.  However, having one as a pet is illegal in many areas of its range.  The fennec is the soul of the desert, whose main threat is illegal trafficking by the unscrupulous who capture them as novelties for the wealthy.  The fennec has a lifespan of up to 14 years in captivity.  They normally in deserts like this little guy who lives in the Sahara.  Families of fennecs dig out dens in sand, which can be as large as 120 square metres (1,292 square feet) and adjoin dens of other fennec families.
  • Unlike any other life on Earth, these extraordinary bacteria use energy in its purest form — they eat and breathe electrons and are to be found everywhere.  Stick an electrode in the ground, pump electrons down it, and here they come.  Biologists can entice them out of rocks and marine mud by tempting them with a bit of electrical juice.  Electrons must flow in order for energy to be gained.  This is why when someone suffocates another person they are dead within minutes — the supply of oxygen has been stopped so electrons can no longer flow.  Electric bacteria probe fundamental questions about life, such as the bare minimum of energy needed to maintain it.  It may be possible to vary the voltage applied to electrodes, putting an energetic squeeze on cells to the point at which they just do the absolute minimum to stay alive.  In this state, cells may not be able to reproduce or grow, but can still run repairs on cell machinery — in other words, making bonsai bacteria.
  • This is a basket star, a type of echinoderm.  This particular one is a Haeckel Ophiodea 70 Gorgonocephalidae (in case you were interested).  They generally live in deep sea habitats.  In the wild they can live up to 35 years and weigh up to 5 kilograms (11 pounds).  Like other echinoderms, basket stars lack blood and achieve gas exchange via their water vascular system.
  • One commenter on Flickr shouts “fake!”  Maybe so.  Or maybe it doesn’t even matter.  Note that the original photo clearly shows that the bikinis were painted on (it’s even obvious in this photo once you look closely).

Aerial Shots of Beautiful Vancouver, BC

English Bay above False Creek

English Bay above False Creek

Looking North

Looking North

Looking Northeast

Looking Northeast

Vancouver is one of the most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities in Canada: 52% of its residents have a first language other than English.  Its population density of about 5,250 people per square kilometre (13,590 per square mile) makes it the most densely populated Canadian municipality and the 4th most densely populated city over 250,000 residents in North America (behind New York City, San Francisco, and Mexico City).  The original settlement, named Gastown, grew up on clear-cuts on the west edge of the Hastings Mill property, where a makeshift tavern had been set up on a plank between two stumps in 1867.  Other stores and some hotels quickly followed and Gastown, now formally laid out as a registered townsite, was renamed Granville but was re-renamed Vancouver and incorporated shortly thereafter (in 1886).  The transcontinental railway extended to the city to take advantage of its large natural seaport, which soon became a vital link in a trade route between the Orient, Eastern Canada, and Europe.  Today, its port is the busiest and largest in Canada and the most diversified port in North America.  Forestry remains Vancouver’s largest industry followed by tourism.  Major film production studios have turned Metro Vancouver into one of the largest film production centres in North America, earning it the nickname Hollywood North.  It is consistently named as one of the top 5 worldwide cities for livability and quality of life.

People: Past, Present, Potential

Meat Packer

Meat Packer

Patrick Drops His iPhone

Patrick Drops His iPhone

Vintage Selfie

Vintage Selfie
Pretending to Be Real

Pretending to Be Real

Is Real

Is Real

Is Realistic

Is Realistic

  • An unnamed New York City subway worker attempts to squeeze one more person onto a train car, 5 May 1943.
  • Note the smartphone at the upper right, which was found again using the Find My iPhone app and it still worked.
  • This photograph was taken on the roof of Marceau’s Studio, 5th Avenue, New York City (that’s across from St Patrick’s Cathedral), in December 1920.  Holding one side of the camera with his right hand is Joseph Byron, while Ben Falk holds the other side with his left hand.  The remaining 3 people in the photo are Pirie MacDonald, Colonel Marceau and Pop Core (in case you care).

  • The entire 12,000-strong workforce of the Ford Motor Company plant at Highland Park, Michigan were photographed in 1913 when the world’s first fully-fledged assembly line was installed there.  Fittingly for a company whose axiom was “Time equals money”, the photo cost them thousands of dollars.  In 1913, Ford paid $2.34 a day — minimum wage then was $1 — and employed them for a 9-hour working day.  (The next year, he doubled the pay to $5 a day and reduced the daily work hours to 8.)  Assuming a working day lost because of the photo, Ford would have paid out $28,080 in daily wages – almost equal to amount of seed money he used to found his company in 1903.  He would’ve lost out on making 600 cars that day (in 1913, Ford produced 250,000 cars annually), each of which would have sold for $600 — millions in today’s dollars.
  • Dr Tony Perry, a pioneer in cloning, has announced precise DNA editing at the moment of conception in mice.  He said huge advances in the past 2 years mean “designer babies” are no longer fiction.  Other leading scientists and bioethicists argue that it’s time for serious public debate on this issue.  Designer babies — genetically modified for beauty, intelligence or to be free of disease — have long been a topic of science fiction.  The director of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics says the field raises questions about social justice around techniques that will be available only to the rich, about what constitutes identity, and about “issues of governance and regulation” in the industry.
  • The use of complex medical devices is exploding.  Last year, Intuitive’s da Vinci robotic surgery system alone helped doctors perform more than 350,000 surgeries in US hospitals.  Yet patients whose lives depend on the proper use of increasingly complex high-tech medical equipment often aren’t given a complete picture of potential problems.  While a US database collects reports of deaths and injuries sent to the Food and Drug Administration, the agency has no authority to force doctors to contribute.  Hospitals are required to report, though they often don’t.  Indeed, a review of reports for operations with Intuitive’s robotic system found dozens of injuries that’ve gone unreported for years.  Meanwhile, details of patient problems involving robotic surgery that are cited in legal papers or patient interviews are noted to be entirely unreported, including one woman who spent 4 months in the hospital after a robot poked a hole in her intestine during a hysterectomy.  Unidentified surgeons say the device leads to fewer complications and shorter recoveries overall, though there are incidents in which robot arms collide or miss a mark.  Learning how to use the system seems to be the biggest challenge.  Diana Zuckerman, president of the National Research Center for Women & Families in Washington, said, “There’s generally at least a 10-year wait, once a device is on the market, to have a sense whether it’s safe or effective — and by then the device may have changed 5 times.”  Better feedback could help.

  • While Miss Robb looks ferociously eager, she does look real.  The hair is V-Ray hair material and the detail is courtesy ZBrush.
  • This is Bruce Oreck, the US Ambassador to Finland.  Oreck holds a Bachelor of Arts from Johns Hopkins University, a Juris Doctorate from Louisiana State University, and a Masters of Law in Taxation from New York University.  Oreck’s enthusiasm for the outdoors has resulted in his camping all over America, throughout Europe, and in much of East Africa.  He also worked as a boatman rowing wooden dories down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon for nearly 10 years.  His interest in athletics broadened to include body building, allowing him to win the Colorado state men’s masters body-building championship several years in a row.  His Christmas cards are sometimes a bit controversial (and I’m not sure his tattoos are actually permanent).
  • The US Supreme Court handed down a unanimous decision in Holt v Hobbs, establishing that a Muslim inmate may grow a half-inch beard “in accordance with his religious beliefs,” despite a prison policy prohibiting facial hair.  Justice Ginsburg explains, “accommodating the petitioner’s religious belief in this case would not detrimentally affect others who do not share petitioner’s belief.  On that understanding, I join the Court’s opinion.”

The New York Subway Car through the Years

Note the Ceiling Fan

Note the Ceiling Fan

Now, Fans Are Enclosed

Now, Fans Are Enclosed

Now Air-Conditioned

Now Air-Conditioned

The first subway line in NYC opened 27 October 1904 — about 35 years after the first elevated train line.  These early subway lines were owned and run by private companies that also started elevated train lines in Brooklyn.  In 1913, NYC built and improved some subway lines to lease to these companies.  In 1932 the first line owned and operated by NYC was established — the Independent Subway System (IND).  NYC bought the two private systems and closed some elevated train lines the the goal of speeding things up so that more people could be transported more places.  Passengers liked the system because it was faster and cheaper and not affected by bad weather underground.  Today, the NYC subway system serves hundreds of thousands of people daily.

  • This is an interior view of the new 8th Avenue subway car, NYC, May 1937.
  • This subway car of the future was displayed at the Chambers Street Station by the Independent Division, NYC, 9 July 1947.  It had 56 seats, 14 adjustable exhaust ventilators, eight 10-inch fans, was painted blue and grey, and had an off-white ceiling.
  • This car has patterned asbestos tile flooring, increased and improved fluorescent lighting, illuminated route and destination signs, double roofs, electronically controlled heat / ventilation, improved brakes, better door controls, and foam and vinyl seats.  These major changes were intended for passenger comfort and greater operational and maintenance efficiency, 26 October 1954.

Still Another NY Tribute: Gotham

Looking South Southeast

Looking South Southeast

Looking Northwest

Looking Northwest

North Toward Queens

North Toward Queens


Hudson Yards Redevelopment Project

Hudson Yards Redevelopment Project

East River

East River

Imagine leaning out the open door of a helicopter at 7,500 feet over NYC on a very dark and chilly night to see views like these.  The photographer feels that from high altitudes the streets of NYC at night look like brain synapses.  He says that helicopters vibrate pretty significantly and you have to be able to shoot at a relatively high shutter speed (even with tools like a gyroscope); that makes it incredibly difficult to shoot after sunset.  The flight required extensive planning and special clearances as they flew above airline traffic landing at Kennedy, LaGuardia, and Newark airports.  Sadly, there’s no mention of how the intensely beautiful colours were achieved (I assume they enhanced in some way — perhaps it’s a trade secret? — or maybe it really looks just like that).  Photographer Vincent Laforet also took the last photo above, though perhaps not during the same helicopter ride.

Finding Art

The Quantum World

The Quantum World

Transparent Tree

Transparent Tree

Square Roots

Square Roots

  • “From undead cats to particles popping up out of nowhere, from watched pots not boiling — sometimes — to ghostly influences at a distance, quantum physics demolishes intuitions about how the world works…”  This design was chosen by New Scientist to represent all that.  Does it?  Sure, why not?  The header says there are 7 wonders of the quantum world: 4 are mentioned while 8 articles actually follow the header.  But who’s counting?  The artist has done some remarkable graphics, though I couldn’t find this particular example anywhere on his site.
  • Graphic designer Daniel Siering and art director Mario Schuster wrapped part of a tree trunk with plastic sheeting and made an amazingly detailed and realistic spray-painting of the surrounding landscape on it.  The result is an illusion that the tree has been sawed through and floats in mid-air over its stump.  The two co-workers at Art-EFX in Potsdam, Germany had the idea after spray painting many transformer stations for their customers.
  • Nature is a master at adapting because she has all the time in the world.  Trees are combating concrete and stone in streets, on walls — just about anywhere.  You can cut down a tree or it can die of natural causes, but others come in its wake — and persistence wins in the end.

Water in Many Forms: Snow and Ice, Wind-Blown, Peaceful

Snow Walls in Canada

Snow Walls in Canada

Snow Walls in Japan

Snow Walls in Japan

Snow Cones in Croatia

Snow Cones in Croatia
North Devon, England

North Devon, England

Maloney's Beach, NSW, Australia

Maloney’s Beach, NSW, Australia

La Jument, Brittany, France

La Jument, Brittany, France

Gibraltar Rock

Gibraltar Rock

In the Sky

In the Sky

Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Cape Cod, Massachusetts

  • A train goes through snow in Glacier National Park, British Columbia (BC), Canada, 24 January 2014.  Glacier National Park is one of 7 in BC and is part of a system of 43 parks and reserves across Canada.  Established in 1886, the park encompasses 1,349 square kilometres (521 square miles) and includes a portion of the Columbia Mountains.  The park’s history is closely tied to two primary Canadian transportation routes, the Canadian Pacific Railway completed in 1885, and the Trans Canada Highway completed in 1963.
  • Here is 20 metres of snowfall in Japan.  Some sites say this is Hokkaido while others say it’s the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route — apparently they both get insane amounts of snow.  The northern portion of Hokkaido falls into the taiga biome, with significant snowfall, which can reach 11 metres (400 inches) on the mountains adjacent to the Sea of Japan; Murodo-daira of Tateyama has one of the heaviest snows in the world, reaching about 7 metres (23 feet) on average.  In particular, the snow mantle at Otani, a 5-minute walk from Murodo Station, sometimes gets more than 20 metres (65.6 feet) because of snowdrifts.  The famous “Snow Walls” are formed by expelling this heavy snow with specialised machinery.  The 500-metre-long area of the steepest snow walls is open to sightseers from mid-April to late May.
  • A fierce storm whipped these monster waves into a frenzy of whitewater which subsequently froze in sub-zero temperatures.  This area is renowned for its dramatic coastal cliffs and landscapes.
  • A huge wave crashes into the seawall at Ilfracombe on the North Devon coast.  Such storms are a fairly regular occurrence.
  • A waterspout over Bateman’s Bay, as seen from Maloney’s Beach, New South Wales in May 2014.  Waterspouts occur on the coast when cool, humid air is warmed as it passes over warm waters and rises.  In the right conditions, such as during stormy weather, the vigorously rising air can converge and tighten into a jaw-dropping spinning column.  The photographer, Shorty Westlin from Canberra, said: “Everyone else had a view of it on the water, but from where I was, it looked like it was on land and coming in.”  While waterspouts are not generally as violent as tornadoes and usually break down soon after crossing the coast, they can be a serious threat to boaters.
  • The waters off the coast of Brittany are among the most dangerous in Europe, claiming over 30 ships between 1888 and 1904 when construction of a lighthouse finally began.  It took 7 years to finish it due to harsh storms.  On 21 December 1989, Jean Guichard travelled to this lighthouse in a helicopter at the beginning of such a storm.  Lighthouse keeper Théodore Malgorn, waiting to be rescued, thought the photographer’s helicopter was the one coming for him so he hurried downstairs and opened the door — a moment which coincided with a giant wave the enveloped the lighthouse.  Malgorn rushed back inside and managed to close the door, while Guichard took a series of 7 photos that became instantly famous, selling over a million posters and earning him the World Press Photo award.  Two years later, automation arrived and the keeper was retired 1991.
  • Levant cloud forming against the eastern cliffs of the Rock of Gibraltar, 17 July 2010.  The Rock of Gibraltar was one of the Pillars of Hercules, known to the Romans as Mons Calpe.  (The other pillar, on the African side of the strait, was Mons Abyla.)  In ancient times the two points marked the limit to the known world.
  • Presumably this occurred somewhere over the Ukraine in 2011.  For such an excellent photographer, there’s very little personal information about him online.
  • Apparently this is a digital image, though some sites claim it’s a real photograph taken from a house with a Cape Cod view.  Whatever — it’s nicely done.

Brothers Grimm Homeland

The Dark Stronghold

The Dark Stronghold

Forest Path

Forest Path

Bohemian Forest Sanctuary

Bohemian Forest Sanctuary

These are photographic illustrations for fairytales of a Brothers Grimm reprint.  They were captured in remote rural areas in Middle Europe.  (Unfortunately, the photographer didn’t identify the location of any of his photos.)

Worlds within Worlds

Kitchen Sponge

Kitchen Sponge

Pages of a Book

Pages of a Book

Prostate Cancer Cells

Prostate Cancer Cells
X Marks the Spot

X Marks the Spot

How Sweet

How Sweet

Soap Bubble Foam

Soap Bubble Foam

Except for the upper photo on the right, these are from a series entitled Amazing Worlds within our Worlds by artist Pyanek:

  • This alien looking structure is in fact a kitchen sponge.  The shot is of the sponge’s curved edge, so detail in the forefront goes out of focus in the back, providing depth.
  • The pages of a novel may appear to be smooth as you turn them, but this image of an old book reveals its true, fibrous character.
  • Scientists have extensively studied genes and proteins involved in the development and progression of human tumours.  A relatively new field of metabolomics takes a different approach, focusing on the products of chemical reactions throughout the body, called metabolites.  Metabolomics captures snapshots of the body’s physiological state at given points in time, providing researchers insights into chemical pathways involved in diseases.  The metabolomic profiles enable them to distinguish between benign prostate tissue, clinically localised prostate cancers, and metastatic prostate cancers.  They’ve identified 60 metabolites in prostate tumours not present in benign prostate tissue.  The levels of 6 of these metabolites increase with progression from benign tissue to localised cancer to metastatic disease.
  • This X key of a computer keyboard has an artificially rough surface.
  • A single grain of sugar looks a bit like an uncut diamond.
  • Bubbles in soap foam have a geodesic look.


Grammar Police

Grammar Police

Never What You Think

Never What You Think

Playing with Yourself Again?

Playing with Yourself Again?